越來越強大英文?越來越強大的英文是from strength to strength或More and more powerful或It's getting stronger或Getting stronger and stronger。雙語例句如下:1.我們正盡力使我們國家越來越強大。那么,越來越強大英文?一起來了解一下吧。
越來越強大的英文是from strength to strength或More and more powerful或It's getting stronger或Getting stronger and stronger。
1.我們正盡力使我們國家越來越強大。We are trying our best to make our country stronger and stronger。
2.當我經過他們,味道變得越來越強大。When I pass through them,THe smell becomes stronger and stronger。
3.我們自豪的是,我們的國家越來越強大.We are proud that our country is getting stronger and stronger。
4.競選之后,我們的政黨又一次變得越來越強大了.After the election,our political party was once again in the ascendant。
China is getting more and more powerful.
China is getting increasingly powerful.
become stronger
In order to basketball, I have to make myselfbecome stronger.
[網絡]become more powerful;
It needs to be smaller but also stronger and more effective.
英文翻譯our country is getting stronger and stronger.
強大big and powerful; powerful;
是我會越來越強大but i’m getting stronger and stronger
我會越來越強大but i’m getting stronger and stronger
不斷取得成功, 越來越強大from strength to strength
我們的國家越來越強大our country is getting stronger and stronger
但是我還會很好很強大~越來越好越強大but i’m getting stronger and stronger
風變的越來越強烈the wind is getting stronger
對她的思念卻越來越強烈it just keeps getting stronger everyday
這種感覺越來越強烈for this that we can't control
痛楚變得越來越強烈,你只能看著它笑the pain grow stronger watch it grin
越來越de plus en plus; more and more; nlore and mole
越來越……;越來越多more and more
越來越遭;越來越壞worse and worse
bigger越來越大bigger and
faster越來越快faster and
higher越來越好higher and
以上就是越來越強大英文的全部內容,越來越強大的英文from strength to strength。例句 位于硅谷心臟,本周早些時候剛獲得“威比獎”的“最佳新聞,平板設備“的榮譽的流行應用程序正在變得越來越強大。Located in the heart of Silicon Valley。