英文的:When Princess Pip discovers she is going on holiday to a boring castle she demands to go home.However,on the way, her maid Daisy shows her how much fun the seaside can be and Pip decides she does't want to go home after all!
"If you stayed here a bit longer ,you might start liking the seaside ,"said Daisy.
But Princess Pip wasn't listening.She was putting all her important things in her suitcase .
"I think we'll have to take some things out ,"said Daisy.
Daisy found them both backpacks ,and the set out for home.
Princess Pip and Daisy went across the drawbridge and along the road .
It was very hot .
"Let's have a nice ,cool snack,"said Daisy.
So they got some fish sticks from a stall.
"These aren't bad ,"admitted Princess Pip.
"They taste best by seaside ,"said Daisy."I'll show you where the fish come from ,if you like."
They went down some stone steps to a place where the sea awished backwards and forwards and the ground looked as if it was made of gold.
"Look in these pools ,"said Daisy.
The fish were hard to catch.
"You could take your stockings off ,"said Daisy,"and use them for nets."
It was nice without shoes and stockings on. It was even nicer once Princess Pip had taken off her coat and crown.
The fish looked very cross at being caught , so Princess Pip let them go.
"It's not too bad here,"said Princess Pip ,at last."I want to stay here all the time. "
"Let's build a sandcastle ,then," said Daisy.
"A sand HOUSE ,"said Princess Pip .
It was hard work,but they build a huge house,with a moat all around.
Soon the sea came in and filled the moat.
"That's just right ,"said Princess Pip."Make it stop coming in now ,Daisy."
But the sea kept on coming in…
…and soon it had washed their house FLAT.
"We build our house too close to the sea ," said Daisy ,sadly.
"STUPID SEA !" shouted Princess Pip. "STUPID SEASIDE ! I WANT TO GO HOME!"
典范英語7princess pip s holiday全文翻譯
“噢,那我可以帶上阿曼達 和 伯特嗎?”皮皮公主問。
王后說:“皮皮,這是黛西,她會照顧你 ”
皮皮公主跟王后和國王去度假,但她一開始不喜歡度假的地方,在皮皮公主的(管家之類的吧名字忘了- -)帶她去玩了很久以后皮皮公主愛上了度假的地方并不想離開了。英語自己組織一下阿拉我很懶的- -
“噢,那我可以帶上阿曼達 和 伯特嗎?”皮皮公主問。
王后說:“皮皮,這是黛西,她會照顧你 ”
Everyone in castlewas very busy. Because they will go on a holiday, but princess pip wasn’t very happy,because she can't take her pet on holiday. They arrived at the seaside bycoach. Pip wasn't happy when she saw there're castle everywhere.
Daisy is pip’s maid and they exchanged their bed. Then pip’s family had theirbanquet. Pip thinks it's boring. King and queen were happy at the seaside, buttheir daughter doesn't find anything to do. She wants to go home.
Pip sat on her important things. So they went out and had some snack. Theyreached in seaside and used sand to build a sand house. Before that, pip hadused her stockings to catch the fish. But soon the sea came in and filled thesand house, pip angry again.
They were picked up their backpack and went to the Fun-fair, but pip wants togo home. They rode marry-go-round. Pip was angry, Daisy showed the fun to pip.They went down the roller coaster. They were very excited. They wanted to playit again. After that, they met King and queen at
以上就是典范英語7皮皮公主的假期的全部內容,taken off her coat and crown.It was once an Princess Pip nicer greatly coat and crown easiest off his daughter.它是更加美麗一旦公主皮普已經采取了脫去她的外衣和冠冕。