Happy 指的是感到幸福、快樂或滿足的狀態。例如:“I was happy to see her after such a long time.”(經過這么長時間后見到她,我非常開心。)
Glad 表示高興或愉快,通常是因為某件事情的發生而感到欣慰。例如:“I'm glad you're feeling better.”(你感覺好些了,我很高興。)
Cheerful 描述的是一種樂觀、愉快的情緒,通常伴隨著開朗的心境。例如:“She was in a cheerful mood after receiving good news.”(收到好消息后,她心情非常好。)
Excited 表示因期待而感到興奮或激動。例如:“The children were excited about their upcoming trip to the amusement park.”(孩子們對他們即將去游樂園的旅行感到非常興奮。)
Sad 表示傷心或失落的情緒。例如:“She looked sad when she heard the bad news.”(聽到這個壞消息時,她看起來很傷心。)
Depressed 指的是一種持久的悲傷或情緒低落狀態。例如:“He has been feeling depressed since his father passed away.”(自從他父親去世以來,他一直情緒低落。)
Angry 表示憤怒或生氣的情緒。例如:“He got angry when he saw that someone had broken into his house.”(當他看到有人闖入他的房子時,他非常生氣。)
Upset 可以表示心煩意亂或情緒不安。例如:“She was upset about failing her driving test.”(她因為沒有通過駕駛考試而感到不安。)
Anxious 表達的是擔憂或焦慮的情緒。例如:“She felt anxious about the upcoming exam.”(她對即將到來的考試感到焦慮。)
Tired 可以用來形容身體或精神上的疲憊感。例如:“I'm tired after a long day at work.”(工作了一整天后,我感到很累。)
Bored 表示對當前活動缺乏興趣或無聊的感覺。例如:“I started to feel bored after watching TV for hours.”(連續看了幾個小時電視后,我開始覺得無聊了。)