蘇教版六年級上冊英語課課練答案?作業最好是自己做哦,這樣對學習中的學生來說才能提高成績。如果手機是安卓手機,就請在各應用市場更新最新版本作業幫,在拍照搜題頁面上方點擊“作業答案”,即可進行掃碼搜索 我目前有辦法給你的是,第一,那么,蘇教版六年級上冊英語課課練答案?一起來了解一下吧。
1.When is Spring Festival?
It is in Junary or February.
what do people usually do at Spring Festival?
They eat a lot of delicious food.
Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?
Yes,I did.
2.When is Halloween?
It is in October.
what do people usually do at Halloween?
They dress up in costumes.
Did you dress up in costumes last Halloween?
Yes,I did.
3.When is Children is Day?
It is in June.
what do people usually do on Children is Day?
They sing and dance.
Did you sing and dance last Children is Day?
No,I did not.
4.When is Mid-Autumn Festival?
It is in September or October.
what do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?
They watch the moon.
Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?
Yes,I did.
c,e,d,f,a。b第一題答案k部分正在閱讀中,對不起,稍后給您答案 。大約30分鐘給您我的答案,sorry
1.When is Spring Festival?
It is in Junary or February.
what do people usually do at Spring Festival?
They eat a lot of delicious food.
Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?
Yes,I did.
2.When is Halloween?
It is in October.
what do people usually do at Halloween?
They dress up in costumes.
Did you dress up in costumes last Halloween?
Yes,I did.
3.When is Children is Day?
It is in June.
what do people usually do on Children is Day?
They sing and dance.
Did you sing and dance last Children is Day?
No,I did not.
4.When is Mid-Autumn Festival?
It is in September or October.
what do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?
They watch the moon.
Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?
Yes,I did.
InEngland,drivers drive on the left side of the road.In the US,drivers drive on the right side.
您好,第五題是 Where is the __________ (shop) centre?
shop 在英語可以是動詞詞性,也可以是名詞詞性:
1)動詞詞性 = 購買;采購
2)名詞詞性 = 商店;店鋪
當 shop 作為名詞獨立使用時,通常指的是一個商鋪,比如小賣部,小店鋪等等,而 shops 作為復數通常指的是一個區域,或是一條街有很多個不同的商鋪,指的是不同類別的商鋪。句中空格后面還有個 centre,譯為【中心】,shop centre 通常譯為【小賣部中間;商鋪中心】因為 shop 是名詞,不是形容詞,和 centre 一同使用表示(一個商鋪的中心區)。而 shop 還有一種名詞形式,shopping,這個是 shop 的(動名詞)形式,通常譯為【購物;購買的物品】,而作為 shopping centre 譯為【購物中心】,也就是一個(中心)里面有很多個不同的商鋪含義了。所以:
1)shop centre = 一個商鋪的中心區
2)shopping centre = 一個中心區的多個商鋪(指的是購物中心)
所以按照句子的語義,shopping centre 是更合適的。
以上就是蘇教版六年級上冊英語課課練答案的全部內容,購物中心本身是個名詞,center是名詞,前面加一個修飾性詞語只能是動名詞不能直接用動詞修飾center。還有一個更簡單的記法,不考慮語法,把shopping center看作一個單詞記憶,它就是購物中心的意思,固定搭配。