never forget why you started
或者the very beginning mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment.【喬布斯】
remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind.
never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission.
remain true to our original aspiration.【人民日報的譯法】
pursue one's dream
chase for one's dream
go after具體說來有”尾隨”的意味,一般比如說跟在某人后面比較適合,不應該用于追逐夢想
1. Northman
2. northlander
3. northern
4. hyperborean
5. northerner
6. norlander
1. southron
2. southerner
3. southern
1. 南方人拉長調子的話音
A Southern drawl.
2. 南方人居住在南方地區的人,尤指法國南部的人
An inhabitant of a southern region, especially the south of France.
3. 從他的口音判斷,他一定是南方人。
Judging by his accent, he must be from the South.
是Chasing Dreams。
When asked where he wanted his son to go, he immediately responded, “America, because America is the land for dreamers.?
Unfortunately, just before you take your first step on the righteous journey to pursue your dreams, people around you, even the ones who deeply care for you, will give you awful advice.
Unfortunately, just before you take your first step on the righteous journey to pursue your dreams, peoplearound you, even the ones who deeply care for you, will give you awful advice.
The Dream Chaser has a lifting body design; it looks something like an airplane without the large wings onthe side.
When asked where he wanted his son to go, he immediately responded, “America, because America is the land for dreamers.
追求[zhuī qiú]pursueseek相關解釋:go after in pursuit of pursuance quest for aspire after went after dangle after chase seek after seek for follow after court feather up to pay court to seek to ambition 例句:他追求簡已有六個月之久.he had been courting jane for six months.他努力追求自己的奮斗目標.he pursues his aims with diligence.你在追求什么?what are you going after?追夢to celebrate my success i had a local artist paint my new office as a garden.at the top of one wall she stenciled," the world always makes way for the dreamer."為了慶祝我的成功、我清當地一位藝術家將我的新辦公室漆成了一座花園,在一面墻的頂端,她刷下了這樣一句話:"這個世界永遠屬于追夢的人。-- 漢英 - 翻譯參考we have won today with the past ten years of persistent endeavor and united struggle.十多年的風雨追夢、結拚搏,我們贏得了今天。-- blog.phoenixtv.comi know so many people who are miserable today because they started running after their dreams,always in pursuit of them. why are we always chasing things?我知道許多許多人現在很痛苦,因為他們早就開始追夢,永遠是在追夢。為什么我們總要追求這,追求那呢?