一場籃球賽的英文?籃球賽在二十七日下午。=> the basketbal will be held at twenty-seventh afternoon 籃球賽在什么時候?=> when is the basketball game?我喜歡學校的郊游。那么,一場籃球賽的英文?一起來了解一下吧。
There will be a basketball competition in our school next Sunday.
問題一:舉行籃球賽用英語怎么說?hold a basket *** all game,過去式是 held a basketball game
例句:We will hold a basketball game tomorrow.
Achilles tendon:跟腱
Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都沒碰到。按Merriam Webster給出的解釋是a miss shot in basketball that fails to touch the rim and backboard所以直譯過來應該是“兩不沾”。
Arena:比賽場;競技場。比如Seattle的主場名叫Key Arena。
下周日我們學校將要有一場籃球比賽的英文翻譯是There will be a basketball match in our school next Sunday.
We will have a basketball match at school next Sunday
籃球比賽用英語怎么寫:basketball games。
音標:[?bɑ:sk?tb?:lm?t?]。例句:Then he tried another way to spark his son's interest. He took him along to hisown adult basketball games.接著賓考斯基先生又試著用其他方式激發兒子的興趣,他把兒子帶到自己的成人籃球比賽中。
don't know how much more the Lakers can take. Why can't we make this a goodclean basketball game?我不知道湖人還能使出多少陰招。為什么我們不能打一場干凈的籃球比賽?
May : Don't remind me of that. This would be the last time l cut any classes for abasketball game.阿美: 別提醒我這個。這會是我最后一次為籃球比賽而逃課。
lf you've been seen an NBA game then you'll have no doubt noticed that there'svery little free space beyond the outer lines of the court.如果你看過現實的NBA籃球比賽,那么你無疑會發現籃球場邊界外的自由空間小之又小。
以上就是一場籃球賽的英文的全部內容,basketball 打籃球 play basketball 短語:籃球場 basketball court;籃球隊 basketball team; quintet;籃球隊員 basketball player; basketballer;籃球架 basketball stands;籃球賽 basketball match 例句:1、。