中國式過馬路英文?“Chinese style of crossing road”解釋為中國式過馬路,是網友對部分中國人集體闖紅燈現象的一種調侃,即“湊夠一撮人就可以走了,和紅綠燈無關。”“jaywalker”解釋為亂穿馬路的人,jaywalk是它的動詞形式,那么,中國式過馬路英文?一起來了解一下吧。
“Chinese style of crossing road”解釋為中國式過馬路,是網友對部分中國人集體闖紅燈現象的一種調侃,即“湊夠一撮人就可以走了,和紅綠燈無關。”
Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”. There is a very common phenomenon around us that people just run the red light. It can easily lead to serious accidents. Last week a traffic accident happened near our school. A rushing car knocked down a student who was running the red light. And the student was badly hurt. Of course this also caused a terrible traffic jam. In my opinion, something should be taken to solve the problem. First, we can make good use of TVs, newspapers and magazines to tell people the importance of obeying the traffic rules and the road safety. Second, the government must make laws to punish people who break the law and run the red light. |
試題分析:這是一篇話題作文,寫作題材關注社會熱點,緊貼生活實際。 主意英文怎么說1.You go,i go,togather go! Red Alart?Does'nt matter,togather is better. 2.Cars are high,and no one afread to die,that's why! 3.Let the cars free,even kill no fee. 4.I'm afread to die,in China,I hope I can fly. 人行道英語At the crossroads have traffic lights, for pedestrians and the vehicle's safety and Settings. But, why is there are so few pedestrians, don't want to in the red light up when crossing the road, at this moment if left or right side car drove quickly past, out of the dangerous who is responsible? In big cities, if there is a pedestrian or cyclists run a red light, is also to be fined. But in our small place, there is no police to tube, they only pay attention to the vehicle, so the red light is more bold unscrupulously, they think it is acceptable to take for granted. I hope the police also tube a tube of those who's crossing the red light, so that we can maintain the traffic order better! Life is good, life is precious, and only once, so I advise people don't have fluky psychology, and happened to regret is too late, only wish everyone travel peace! 在十字路口都有交通紅綠燈,為行人和車輛的安全而設置。 學識淵博的英文cross the road 過馬路-cross at the pedestrian crossing 過班馬線-cross at the zebra crossing 參考: english book cross the road cross(越過) road(馬路) crosstheroad 如果系過緊要+ing 參考: 我 cross at the zebra crossing Crossing the road 其實呢個系一個動作 所以要用呢個tense 以上就是中國式過馬路英文的全部內容,回中國式過馬路,是網友對部分中國人集體闖紅燈現象的一種調侃,即“湊夠一撮人就可以走了,和紅綠燈無關。”出現這種現象是大家受法不責眾的“從眾”心理影響,從而不顧及交通安全。 下一篇:導演英文翻譯,導演英譯