你很惡心用英語怎么說?對我來說你很惡心。其實disgust這個詞還有更容易把人繞迷糊的用法,那就是:You disgust me! 同樣是你讓我惡心的意思(而絕不是“你討厭我”),因為disgust的意思是惹人厭、令人惡心。那么,你很惡心用英語怎么說?一起來了解一下吧。
一個訊飛輸入法APP 可以說中文 自動翻譯為外語 我現在就在用 You're really gross.
You are disgusting.
Smelly feet are definitely a turn-off as far as I'm concerned.
腳要是有味可真惡心人, 這是我的看法.
That man was so disgusting, I was instantly turned off.
It makes me want to puke (ie It disgusts me)!
you make me sick
問題一:你讓我覺得惡心 用英語怎么說You make me feel disgusting
問題二:“令人惡心的”用英文怎么說?令人惡心的disgusti饑g 例:買咖啡是一件令人惡心的事,因為我去的那家店污穢骯臟,而且你要排兩次隊。Buying the coffee is a disgusting experience, as the shop I visit is filthy and you have to queue twice.
問題三:惡心的英文disgusting, what a disgusting *** ell. revolt鼎ng, the stew looked revolting. digusting比revolting在英語口語中更常用。 還有一個是gross,更加口語化,這個可以掛在嘴邊 repulsive 很正式,通常指人、行為或習慣等因為實質上或道德上的原因而令人討厭 nauseating 令人作嘔的 the nauseating *** ell of burning flesh令人作嘔的肉燒焦氣味。
問題四:“真惡心”用英語怎么說?It's so distinguishing!
It's so gross!
It makes me sick!
口語里用That sucks 或者 It's gross(或者disgusting).
也經常用make me sick表示不爽
獅子王里那句是。Ew, gross.
You suck.
Shut up.
Stop it.
以上就是你很惡心用英語怎么說的全部內容,You are disgusting.一樓說的不對,disgusting是令人惡心的。我知道,但是disgusting確實不是這么用的,你可以說You make me sick。disgusting很類似于interesting 你可以說It makes me interested.而不能換用interesting。