爭吵英文短語?爭吵英語是quarrel。quarrel造句:1、Their quarrel went on after their children fell asleep.孩子睡覺以后他們還繼續(xù)爭吵。2、那么,爭吵英文短語?一起來了解一下吧。
1.quarrel about 爭吵;吵架;爭執(zhí)
2.quarrel over 爭吵;吵架;爭執(zhí)
3.pick a quarrel 惹起爭斗
4.quarrel with 爭吵;吵架;與…爭論
5.after a quarrel 爭吵后;吵架后;在爭吵之后
例句:The spillover effect of thequarrel. 這次爭吵所引起的意想不到的后果。
have words with sb.
argue against sb 和某人爭論……反對……
quarrel with sb
have words with sb.
注意have a word with sb. 是跟某人談談的意思。
My brother quarrelled with my father. 我哥哥和父親吵了一架。
2,have words with
My brother hadwords with
with my father.我哥哥和父親爭吵了
1、爭吵的英文,在生活中我們一般說argue或quarrel。其他關于爭吵的英文單詞:quarrel; brawl ; wrangle; squabble; brannigan。常見短語:argue with sb/quarrel with sb.
1)We have rarely argued about money.我們很少因錢的問題爭吵。
2)I argue with the manager.我和經理吵架。
3)He always quarrels with his friends .他總是和他的朋友們爭吵。
4)I have never quarrelled with my wife for economic affairs.我從不和我的妻子為錢的事而爭吵。
以上就是爭吵英文短語的全部內容,爭吵 quarrel I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers 我跟其他幾個兄弟大吵了一架。The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter.塞爾維亞人和克羅地亞人之間的爭斗由來已久。