關于電影的英語演講稿?Hello,everybody!大家好~I am so glad to be here to give you a speech.我非常高興在這里為大家演講!I would like to introduce a famous film to you.我想給大家介紹一部好電影。那么,關于電影的英語演講稿?一起來了解一下吧。
Ed Malone, goes to his news editor, McArdle, to get a dangerous and
adventurous mission to impress the woman he loves. He is sent to interview
Professor Challenger, who has assaulted four or five other journalists, to
determine if his claims about his trip to South America are true. After
assaulting Malone, Challenger reveals his discovery of dinosaurs in South
America. After having been ridiculed for years, he invites Malone on a trip to
prove his story, along with Professor Summerlee, another scientist qualified to
examine any evidence, and Lord John Roxton, an adventurer who knows the Amazon
and several years previous to the action in the book helped end slavery by
rubber barons in South America. They reach the plateau with the aid of Indian
guides, who are superstitiously scared of the area. One of these Indians, Gomez,
is the brother of a man that Roxton killed the last time he was in South
America. When the expedition manages to get onto the plateau, Gomez destroys
their bridge, trapping them. Their "devoted negro" Zambo remains at the base,
but is unable to prevent the rest of the Indians from leaving.
Deciding to investigate the lost world, they are attacked by pterodactyls at
a swamp, and Roxton finds some blue clay to which he takes a great degree of
interest. After exploring the terrain and having a few misadventures in which
the expedition narrowly misses being killed by dinosaurs, Ce of the plateau who
the ape-men are constantly at war with. Roxton manages to escape and team up
with Malone to mount to a rescue. They arrive just in time to prevent the
executions of the Professors and several other humans, who take them to human
tribe. With their help, they defeat the ape-men, taking control of the whole
After witnessing the power of their guns, the human tribe does not want the
expedition to leave, and tries to keep them there. However, the team finally
discovers a tunnel that leads to the outside, where they meet up with Zambo and
a large rescue party. Upon returning to England, they present their report,
which many dismiss like they did Challenger's original story. Having planned
ahead, Challenger shows them a live Pterodactyl as proof, which then escapes and
flies out into the ocean. . Challenger opens a private museum, Sumerlee retires
to categorize fossils, and Roxton plans to go back to the lost world. Malone
returns to his love, Gladys, only to find out that she married a clerk while he
was away. With nothing keeping him in London, he volunteers to be part of
Roxton's second trip.
泰坦尼克號英語影評為:Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity. This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years. The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content. If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable. Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story. It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.
Today ,a topic about movie and dream is made!My favorite star is Jet li,that is Li-Lianjie. I like kongfu movies,so he bound to attract me perfectly . The films that he performs are all watched ,and not only one time! Li is very charismatic, and attractive ,very physical performers .No matter in movies or in true-life,he is a lily-white person. He loves his wife,and give all of him to her, who is man of honour. He is the man who I respect and adore and praise , also I want to be that man.So he is my model .And attaccaing, I will talk about the movie Kungfu panda, by reason of it as a kungfu movie and the topic about Dream last week.The panda and his father are noodle folk,just broth runs through their veins. But after the dream of the legendary warrior,the panda has something else to do. And at the end of the movie ,panda becomes a master of the dragon warrior, winning the respect of the citizens of the valley of peace and his master shifu.The father of the panda says“we all have our place in this world,mine is here ”.the father thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.but he quits! At the very start, panda senses upset,and the master wugui gives directions for him. saying”you are too concern with what was and what will be .there is a saying,yesterday is history ,tomorrow is mystery,but today is a gift,that is why it is called present”.The dream about the panda changing himself is my favorite,that is“I stayed,I stayed,because everytime you threw a brick at my head or said I smelled,it hurts,but it could never hurt more than it did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed,because I thought ,if anyone could change me,could make me not me,it was you,the greatest kungfu teacher in all of china.”The panda trusts in him ,his teacher, making him not him. So here I want to say, we could relay on ourselves.we could change ,change better,change valuable. And that is my dream, which I would be a valuable person, a filial son ,a humane borther and father, a conscientious husband and most improtant now, a lively boy. As a man,being valuable is our responsibility/ behold/
Forrest Gump, A man with a low IQ has accomplished great things in his life and been present during significant historic events - in each case, far exceeding what anyone imagined he could do. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950's through the 1970's including a meeting with Richard Nixon, fighting in Vietnam, etc. The problem is, he's too stupid to realize the significance of his actions.Yet, despite all the things he has attained, his one true love eludes him. "Forrest Gump" is the story of a man who rose above his challenges, and who proved that determination, courage, and love are more important than ability.
I feel that much of Gumps'appeal is his downright sense of doing the right thing regardless of the people and situations around him and we see that in this film. That being the case maybe we all wish we could be just a little more like that, the innate goodness and not the trade-offs we make as we go down lifes' highways.
The movie has it all too,drama,comedy and it challenges societal norms as well. Then there are the almost endless quotes from the movie that have slipped into everyday speech. They are too numerous to say at this point.One of the toppers for me in the movie is when Forrest is in a quandary about life and wondering as Lt.Dan said we all have a destiny and his Moms where we are all just floating around like a feather in the wind. Forrest's character puts into a term that I think is pretty to the point,I think it is a little bit of both. From my experiences in life it does sure seem to be that way. So if you have not seen the movie,see it soon you are in for a real treat. If you did not like it, give it a try again and hopefully you will see it for the great story it is!
介紹電影的演講稿篇一:英語演講稿(北京國際電影節)hello,everyone.today,mytopici *** eijinginternationalfilmfestival.beijinginternationalfilmfestivalattractshundredsofdomesticandinternationalsuperstarstowalktheredcarpet,suchasfanbingbingandfengxiaogang,liuyifei,jamescameronandhiswife,thedirectoroftitanic,liudehuaandl(來自:寫論文網:介紹電影的演講稿)ingzhiling,zhangziyi.nextpart,iwillintroducesomewinnersofbeijinginternationalfilmfestival.thebestfilmi *** ackto1942.nowyoucanwatchthetrailer.backto1942isdirectedbyfengxiaogang.zhangguoli,xufanandchendaomingplaymainrolesinthefilm.itisadisasterfilmthatduring1942,chinawasfightinganti-japanesewar.atthattime,asuddendroughtinhenanprovinceforcetensofmillionsofpeopletoleavetheirhomeandlookforfoodtosurvive.thisfilmtriestotellthehistoryfromfourdifferentviewingangles.theyaregovernment,internationalreporter,priestanddroughtvictims.thegovernmentshouldhavetakenmeasurestosavethevictims.buttheydonothing,becausetheydon’thaveenoughtime,moneyandresources.japanhasputheavypressureonthem.internationalreporterandpriesttrytosavethevictimsontheirownway.however,thestrengthofapersonisalways *** all.maybetheycansavesomepeople,theycan’tsaveallpeople.asforthevictims,theycan’tprotecttheirproperty,dignityandevenlife.however,whennoonecanhelpthem,theyshowtoustheirgreatwisdomandcourage,solvetheproblems,andthengetthemselvesoutofthecrisisagainandagain.nextwinneriscateshortland.shegotbestdirectorwiththefilmlore.cateshortlandwa *** orninaustraliain1968.sincedirectingthefilmcalledbadcop,badcop,shehasdirectedmanyoutstandingfilms,includingsomersaultinXXandthesilenceinXX.inaddition,bestactoristerencestampbecauseofhiswonderfulperformanceinthefilmsongformarion.chineseactressyanbingyanget *** estactresswiththefilmwanjianchuanxin.sorryidon’tknowhowtotranslate.thatisalliwanttosay.thanksforlistening.篇二:《電影業對人類文明的影響》英語演講稿(《電影業對人類文明的影響》英語演講期末演講稿附大綱及小卡片)thecontributionoffilmstohumancivilizationgoodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen!canyouimagineadaythatyouwakeupandfindallthemovietheatersdisappeared,andevenyoucannotsearchoutanyinformationaboutfilmontheinternet?whatwouldyoudothen?don’tbeafraid.thisisahypothesis.inmodernsociety,actually,thefilmindustrydoesn’tdisappear,butitalsomakesahugecontributiontohumancivilizationmainlyinpolitics,economyandculture.second,let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.settingupindowntown,everycinemacanpromotethelocaleconomytoalargeextent.what’ *** ore,thebeautifulsightsinthefilmcanleaveaprofoundimpressiontotheaudience.therefore,theymaytraveltotherelevantinterestingplaces.ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilmindustrycaneffectpeople’ *** anner,cognitionandvalue.ithasalreadymadeahugecontributiontohumancivilizationinthreeaspectsofpolitics,economyandculture.inthedevelopmentofhumancivilization,thefilmindustrywilllearnwidelyfromother’sstrongpointsandshowextraordinarytalentsinthefuture.thankyou,thankyousomuch.speakingoutlineⅰ.introductionthefilmindustryha *** adeahugecontributiontohumancivilization.canyouimagineadaythatyouwakeupandfindallthemovietheatersdisappeared,(停頓)andevenyoucannotsearchoutanyinformationaboutfilmontheinternet?whatwouldyoudothen?(停頓,掃視全場)don’tbeafraid.(停頓)thisisahypothesis.(過渡)inmodernsociety,actually,thefilmindustrydoesn’tdisappear,butitalsomakesahugecontributiontohumancivilizationmainlyinpolitics,economyandculture.ⅱ.mainpointsa.let’slookatthesideofpolitics.b.let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.c.i’dliketotalkaboutthefieldofculture.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilmindustrycaneffectpeople’ *** anner,cognitionandvalue.ithasalreadymadeahugecontributiontohumancivilizationinthreeaspectsofpolitics,economyandculture.(眼神交流)inthedevelopmentofhumancivilization,thefilmindustrywilllearnwidelyfromother’sstrongpointsandshowextraordinarytalentsinthefuture.mainpointstopic:thecontributionoffilmstohumancivilization.generalpurpose:toinformspecificpurpose:toinformmyaudienceaboutthecontributionoffilmsinaspectsofthepolitics,economyandculture.centralidea:thefilmhasalreadymadeahugecontributiontohumanbeings.anditwilllearnwidelyfromother’sstrongpointsandshowextraordinarytalentsinthefuture.mainpoints:introducethecontributionsfromthreeaspects.篇三:英語演講電影today,ibringyouthemovienamed“threeidiots”,inmyopinion,thisisthemostwonderfulfilmihaveeverseen.thenextthingiwanttosharewithyouisastory,iguessyouwilllikeit.法蘭、拉杜與蘭喬是皇家工程學院的學生,三人共居一室,結為好友。
以上就是關于電影的英語演講稿的全部內容,I will never give up, I should have Harry’s courage.自從我看了電影《哈利波特》,我就很喜歡這部電影,電影中的魔幻世界給我留下了很深刻的印象,因此我決定去買這本書。書一共有7本,我全部都看完了?!豆ㄌ亍肥俏易钕矚g的書,我學到了很多東西,無論我遇到多大的困難。