When September comes, it means a new semester begins. For students who have just finished their high school education, they have finally stepped into a new stage. Most Chinese students think it's time to seek fun and tend to forget to fulfill themselves. However, we can actually schedule the campus time better.
The most important thing is to focus on study. Chinese students have made great efforts and sacrificed their leisure time to enter college. To them, college is like liberation but it's also easy to lose themselves. It's time for students to master their majors well to be competitive in the job market.
You need to figure out your path clearly as soon as possible. Spend some time thinking about how you want to spend your college life, what you want to achieve the most, what goals you need to reach, and what kind of job you want after graduation.
You don't necessarily have to fit in, have a passionate love affair, or be a star in student clubs. But you must study hard. Stay away from the dormitory. Go to the library, the reading room, and the classroom. Listen to more lectures and read more books. Knowledge will always be your best friend.
If your alma mater is not satisfactory and lacks sufficient resources, spend more time attending lectures at your dream schools.
Learn proactively. Don't start cramming at the end of the semester or abandon the good study habits you developed in high school. Remember: "Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back."
Skipping classes is not cool and it's not something you must do in college. Studying is.
If you are lucky enough to encounter love in college, take it seriously. It would be great if it leads to a happy ending. Even if not, it will still be a beautiful memory.
Join the student union or clubs. They can make your college life colorful. But it's just an experience. Don't get lost. You need to learn more from it and find a group of like-minded friends.
Do internships and part-time jobs. Do internships during summer vacations and try to enter several big companies. Do part-time jobs on weekends. It's not just for money but to experience the hardship of making money. This way, you will have many more advantages than those who always stay in the dormitory.
Make more sincere friends. Brothers and sisters in college might become your lifelong friends. Having the same dreams and pursuits is an amazing thing.