去長城的英文?【核心短語/詞匯】the Great Wall:長城 【解析】“我們將要去長城。”為陳述句,“我們”應用復數人稱“we”來表示,“將要”說明是將來的動作,可用助動詞“will”+動詞原形來表示,那么,去長城的英文?一起來了解一下吧。
長城的英語是The Great Wall,讀作英[e?;ei:] [gre?t] [w??l];美[e?;ei:] [ɡret] [w?l]。
1.你絕不能錯過長城。You should not miss the Great Wall.
2.長城是世界上七太奇觀之一。The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
3.中國諺語說:不到長城非好漢。There is a Chinese saying,“Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.
4.它不僅是堵墻,而且是一個旅游勝地。長城最大的部分在北京。It is not only a wall, but it is also a tourist resort. The greatest part of the Great Wall is inBeijing.
We will go to the Great Wall.
We are (We're) going to the Great Wall.
【核心短語/詞匯】the Great Wall:長城
【解析】“我們將要去長城。”為陳述句,“我們”應用復數人稱“we”來表示,“將要”說明是將來的動作,可用助動詞“will”+動詞原形來表示,也可用“be going to do sth.”來表示,“we are”可縮寫為“we're”,“長城”為“the Great Wall”,單詞位于句首,首字母大寫,句子以句號結尾,故答案為“We will go to the Great Wall. 或We are (We're) going to the Great Wall.”
打算去長城 Going to visit the Great Wall
Lucy and Ann are going to visit the Great Wall next winter holiday, too.
We are going to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.
My brother is studying in Zhejiang University. I once visited the Great Wall, Huangpu River and Hangzhou.
1) I want to go to the Great Wall.
2) I want to have a look at the Great Wall.
1. 求我想去的地方長城 英語小作文 4
The Great Wall in Beijing is the place I want to visit the most because it has a long history and is important in Chinese culture. The Great Wall was first built in Qing dynasty to prevent the enemies from attacking. There are also many legends about it, such as "Meng Jiang Nu weeping over the Great Wall." If I was able to walk on the Great Wall, I believe I would have a deeper understanding of the Chinese culture.。
2. 我想去參觀長城英語作文帶翻繹
游長城A: the tour of the Great Wall 放假了,我和爸爸去北京旅游。
以上就是去長城的英文的全部內容,The starting point of the Great Wall in Qinhuangdao, at the end of Jiayuguan, is about 6000 kilometers long.首先,我們爬的是聞名中外的山長城——八達嶺長城。 我看見長城就像一條巨龍趴在起伏的山峰上。