餐廳對話英語情景對話?餐廳常用英語情景對話1: Mr. Wang: This looks wonderful, Madame Hulot.Wang: Hulot 小姐,這里看起來很不錯。那么,餐廳對話英語情景對話?一起來了解一下吧。
餐廳常用英語情景對話1:Mr. Wang: This looks wonderful, Madame Hulot.
Wang: Hulot 小姐,這里看起來很不錯。
Madame Hulot: Yes, it's very nice. All our foreign visitors enjoy it. The food is wonderfully well-prepared. Let me know if you need any help with the menu.
Hulot: 是啊,的確很棒。我們的外國客人一向都很喜歡,而且它的菜肴都經過精心烹調。假如你對菜單有什么不了解的地方,請告訴我。
Mr. Wang: Thank you. Mmm. Can you tell me about the terrine?
Wang: 謝謝。嗯,可以麻煩你介紹一下terrine嗎?
Madame Hulot: Yes. A terrine is a kind of meat pate. It's meat turned into a paste. It sounds horrible but it's actually really good.
Hulot: 好的。
A: Does your chicken taste all right?
B: The chicken tastes wonderful, but it is kind of dry. Is your fish OK?
A: My fish has good seasoning but is a little dry.
B: It seems as if they got busy and left it sitting before it got to us.
A: Yes, maybe they are short-handed in the kitchen tonight.
B: Are your vegetables a little mushy?
A: The vegetables seem to not be very fresh.
B: Mine aren't so good, either.
A: I usually enjoy the meals here, so I think that we should tell the waiter that there is something wrong with this meal.
B: I think that we should let someone know. They will probably want to fix theproblem.
A: Did you enjoy the restaurant?
B: I didn't really like it all that much.
A: What do you think the problem was?
B: Well, they are pretty new. I just didn't feel that they were ready to open yet.
A: How did you feel about the food?
B: The food wasn't all that exciting.
A: I didn't think that the service was good, either.
B: Yes, the service certainly didn't add to the experience.
A: Would you like to return to this restaurant?
B: Maybe we could try it again in a few months when things have settled down.
A: Hey George, how is your chicken?
B: My chicken tastes all right, but it is pretty dry. How is your fish?
A: My fish is pretty dry too.
B: It's almost as if this food has been sitting a little too long. It doesn't seemfresh.
A: Yes, it seems that way to me also.
B: How are your vegetables?
A: My vegetables are very soggy.
B: Mine are the same way. It seems like they've been overcooked.
A: I don't usually plain, but I think that we should mention this to the waiter.
B: I agree. Maybe they can bring us some better food.
A: What a wonderful dinner!
B: Thank you. I am glad that you are enjoying it.
A: Where did you get your fantastic recipes?
B: I grew up cooking. My mother shared her recipes with me.
A: I especially like the wonderful chicken dish.
B: That is a special coconut ginger chicken with rice dish.
A: Is that shrimp in the soup?
B: Yes, do you like it? I added a little extra lemon grass and some sea vegetables.
A: I am happy that the wine I brought for you works well with this meal.
B: Yes, thank you for bringing the wine. It really plements the meal.
A: Well, here is your breakfast!
B: Thanks so much. Miss, I believe I ordered my eggs scrambled, and these are fried.
A: Sorry, your friend over there ordered fried eggs, and I gave you his by mistake.
B: Oh yeah. Here, I will just trade with him.
A: Here are your pancakes, sir.
B: But I ordered waffles!
A: Oh, I am so sorry!
B: That's OK. I will eat my eggs and bacon, and you can take my pancakes back.
A: Good, sir. I will take care of that right away.
B: Thank you so much!
服務生: Are you ready to order, sir?
湯 姆: Yes. I`ll start with an appetizer of oysters. And I`m also going to have the Chef`s Salad.
服務生: What kinds of dressing would you like on your salad?
湯 姆: What kinds do you have?
服務生: Italian, French, and Blue Cheese.
湯 姆: I`ll have Italian.
服務生: And what would you like to have for your main course?
湯 姆: I think I`ll have the New York steak.
A是服務員 B是顧客
A: What can I do for you, sir/Ms?
B: Can we see the menu, please?
A:Sure, here you are.
A:Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. 謝謝你請的午餐。它很美味。
B:It's OK. 不客氣。
A:Next time lunch is on me. 下次的午餐我請。
B:Don't be silly. 別傻了。
A:I'm serious. 我是認真的。
B:All right. Next time you will treat. 好的。下次你請。
A:It's a deal. 一言為定。
A:Hey! That food was terrific. I can't eat another bite. Are you sure you don't want another dish? 嘿!食物很美味。我一口也吃不下去了。你確定你不要再來一道菜?
B:No, I'm full. My stomach isn't growling at me any more. 不,我飽了。我的肚子已經不咕咕叫了。
A: I believe you ordered the Grand Slam breakfast.
B: Oh, good! You know, I am looking at my plate and I ordered scrambled eggs, not fried.
A: Oh, I just noticed that I accidentally brought you your friend's breakfast.
B: I can just trade with him, thank you.
A: And pancakes for you, sir.
B: I am sorry, but I think I ordered waffles.
A: I am sorry that I misheard you.
B: Just please take my pancakes to trade for waffles. While I am waiting, I will eat my bacon and eggs.
A: I will get straight back to you with your waffles.
B: I would appreciate that.
A: My name is Mary, and I will be your waitress tonight.
B: Thank you, Mary. We have been looking forward to trying out this restaurant.
A: Before your main course, would you like to order an appetizer?
B: Sure, that sounds great. Where are your appetizers listed?
A: There is a special appetizer menu right here in the center of the table.
B: The chicken and cheese quesadilla looks good. Is that pretty good?
A: You know, that is one of my favorites!
B: OK, I'll take one order of that.
A: You could choose another appetizer for half price to share.
B: Perfect! Please add on an order of onion rings.
A: While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner, would you like to order your drinks?
B: Can you tell me where your wine list is?
A: The wine list is posted right there on the board.
B: Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant?
A: Yes, we have a wide selection of mixed drinks available from our bar.
B: Do you have any house specials that you could remend?
A: Our most popular drinks are our Cuervo Gold margaritas.
B: That sounds like a good choice for me. May I have one, please?
A: Can I bring that to you on the rocks, or would you like it blended?
B: Please bring it to me on the rocks.
A: Salt or no salt?
B: I would like it with no salt, please.
以上就是餐廳對話英語情景對話的全部內容,餐廳日常英語對話篇一 A:Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. 謝謝你請的午餐。它很美味。B:It's OK. 不客氣。A:Next time lunch is on me. 下次的午餐我請。B:Don't be silly. 別傻了。A:I'm serious. 我是認真的。B:All right. Next time you will treat. 好的。