米粉英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)?pickled mustard green noodles 牡蠣細(xì)面 Oyster thin noodles 板條Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 問(wèn)題二:面食用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō) noodle 問(wèn)題三:急?!~!~!那么,米粉英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)?一起來(lái)了解一下吧。
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燒餅 Clay oven rolls 油條 Fried bread stick 水餃 Boiled dumplings
饅頭 Steamed buns 飯團(tuán) Rice and vegetable roll 皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鴨蛋Salted duck egg 豆?jié){ Soybean milk
稀飯 Rice porridge 白飯 Plain white rice 糯米飯Glutinous rice
蛋炒飯F(tuán)ried rice with egg
刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 烏龍面Seafood noodles
板條 Flat noodles 榨菜肉絲面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
紫菜湯Seaweed soup 牡蠣湯Oyster soup 蛋花湯Egg & vegetable soup
魚(yú)丸湯Fish ball soup
臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 蝦球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls 蛋卷 Chicken rolls 肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings
火鍋 Hot pot
粉絲:Sweet potato starch noodles
米粉:Rice noodles
A. 面粉類
面粉/中筋面粉 Plain flour /all-purpose flour
低筋面粉/低根粉 cake flour / soft flour / weak flour / low protein flour
高筋面粉/筋面/根面/高根粉 gluten flour / strong flour / bread flour / baker’s flour / high protein flour
小麥面粉 Whole meal flour
全麥面粉 whole wheat flour
澄面粉/澄粉/澄面 non-glutinous flour / wheat flour / wheat starch
自發(fā)面粉 self- raising flour
粗玉米豆粉 polenta / yellow cornmeal
粟粉/粟米粉/玉米粉/玉米淀粉(太白粉?) corn flour / cornstarch
生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 potato starch / potato flour
樹(shù)薯粉/木薯粉/茨粉/菱粉/泰國(guó)生粉/太白粉/地瓜粉 Tapioca starch / tapioca flour
蕃薯粉/地瓜粉 sweet potato flour
臭粉/胺粉/阿摩尼亞粉/嗅粉 powdered baking ammonia / carbonate of ammonia / ammonia bicarbonate / ammonia carbonate / hartshorn
發(fā)粉/泡打粉/泡大粉/速發(fā)粉/蛋糕發(fā)粉 baking powder
蘇打粉/小蘇打/梳打粉/小梳打/食粉/重曹 baking soda / bicarb ofsoda
塔塔粉/他他粉 cream of tartar
卡士達(dá)粉/蛋黃粉/吉士粉/吉時(shí)粉/ custard powder
卡士達(dá)/克林姆/奶皇餡/蛋奶餡 custard / pastry cream
蛋白粉 egg white powder
粘米粉/黏米粉/在來(lái)米粉/在萊米粉/再來(lái)米粉 rice flour
糕仔粉 cooked rice flour
糯米粉 glutinous rice flour / sweet rice flour
鳳片粉/熟糯米粉/糕粉/加工糕粉 fried sweet rice flour / fried glutinous rice flour
綠豆粉 mung bean flour / tepung hun kwee
小麥胚芽/麥芽粉 wheat germ
小麥蛋白/面筋粉 wheat gluten
酵母/酒餅 yeast/ibu roti
面包糠/面包屑 breadcrumbs
雜糧預(yù)拌粉 multi-grain flour
B. 糖類
黑蔗糖漿/糖蜜/甘蔗糖蜜 molasses
金黃糖漿 golden syrup
楓糖漿/楓樹(shù)糖漿/楓糖 maple syrup
玉米糖漿 corn syrup/karo syrup
葡萄糖漿 glucose syrup
麥芽糖漿 barley maltsyrup/maltsyrup
麥芽糖 maltose/malt sugar
焦糖 carmael
果糖 fructos
乳糖 lactose
轉(zhuǎn)化糖 invert sugar
日式糙米糖漿 amazake
綿花糖霜 marshmallow cream cream
冰糖 rock sugar
椰糖/爪哇紅糖 palm sugar/gula malacca
黃砂糖 brown sugar
紅糖/黑糖 dark brown sugar
燒餅 Clay oven rolls
韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
水餃 Boiled dumplings
蒸餃 Steamed dumplings
饅頭 Steamed buns
蛋餅 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year eggs
咸鴨蛋 Salted duck eggs
餛飩面 Wonton & noodles
刀削面 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
麻醬面 Sesame paste noodles
鴨肉面 Duck with noodles
鱔魚(yú)面 Eel noodles
烏龍面 Seafood noodles
榨菜肉絲面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
牡蠣細(xì)面 Oyster thin noodles
板條 Flat noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
冬粉 Green bean noodles
糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks
長(zhǎng)壽桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
雙胞胎 Horse hooves
蝦球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
紅豆糕 Red bean cake
綠豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
hamburger 漢堡
cake 蛋糕
spring roll 春卷
pancake 煎餅
fried dumpling 煎貼
rice glue ball 元宵
glue pudding 湯圓
millet congee 小米粥
cereal 麥片粥
steamed dumpling 蒸餃
ravioli 餛飩
string bean 四季豆
bean sprout 豆芽
cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜
celery 芹菜
leek 韭菜
caraway 香菜
spinach 菠菜
carrot 胡蘿卜
loofah 絲瓜
pumpkin 南瓜
bitter gourd 苦瓜
cucumber 黃瓜
white gourd 冬瓜
needle mushroom 金針菇
tomato 番茄
eggplant 茄子
potato, 馬鈴薯
lotus root 蓮藕
agaric 木耳
vinegar 醋
peanut oil 花生油
soy sauce 醬油
ginger 生姜
green pepper 青椒
pea 豌豆
bamboo shoot 竹筍
seasoning 調(diào)味品
green soy bean 毛豆
soybean sprout 黃豆芽
mung bean sprout 綠豆芽
kale 甘藍(lán)菜
broccoli 花椰菜
mater convolvulus 空心菜
dried lily flower 金針菜
mustard leaf 芥菜
tarragon 蒿菜
beetroot 甜菜根
lettuce 生菜
preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜
salted vegetable 雪里紅
lettuce 萵苣
asparagus 蘆薈
dried bamboo shoot 筍干
water chestnut 荸薺
long crooked squash 菜瓜
gherkin 小黃瓜
yam 山芋
taro 芋頭
champignon 香菇
dried mushroom 冬菇
white fungus 百木耳
garlic 大蒜
onion 洋蔥
wheat gluten 面筋
miso 味噌
caviar 魚(yú)子醬
barbeque sauce 沙茶醬
tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄醬
mustard 芥末
salt 鹽
sugar 糖
sweet 甜
sour 酸
bitter 苦
lard 豬油
meat 肉
beef 牛肉
pork 豬肉
chicken 雞肉
mutton 羊肉
bread 面包
steamed bread 饅頭
vegetable 蔬菜
crust 面包皮
sandwich 三明治
toast 土司
Fried sweet and sour Mandarin fish songshuguiyu 松鼠鮭魚(yú)
Spicy toufu with pork meat jiachang doufu 家常豆腐
Stirfried cabbage in vinegar sauce culiu baicai 醋溜白菜
Stirfried shredded pork meat with spring onion jingjiang rousi 京醬肉絲
Stirfried mutton meat with green onion cong bao yang rou 蔥爆羊肉
Mongolian hotpot shuan yangrou 涮羊肉
Sichuan dishes
Braised Mandarin fish hongshao guiyu 紅燒鮭魚(yú)
Spicy chicken( very hot) lazi ji 辣子雞
Spicy beancurd with shredded pork meat (hot) mapo doufu 麻婆豆腐
Sichuan pickles( hot) Sichuan paocai 四川泡菜
Pork strips in spicy sweet and sour sauce yuxiang rousi 魚(yú)香肉絲
Chili water boiled beef (very hot) shuizhu niurou 水煮牛肉
Stirfried green beans ganbian siji dou 干煸四季豆
Noodles in spicy sauce (very hot) dandan mian 擔(dān)擔(dān)面
Sweet and sour beancurd with BBQ pork chashao gulu doufu 叉燒咕嚕豆腐
Braised crud meat with eggplant xierou xiazi shao qiezi 蟹肉蝦子燒茄子
Black peper heijiao niuzi liu 黑椒牛仔柳
Stirfried Chinese broccoli qingchao jielan 清炒芥蘭
Steamed fish with soya beans douchi lingyu zheng yunan 豆豉鯪魚(yú)蒸魚(yú)腩
Steamed dumplings filled with crab and pork meat shaomai 燒麥
Steamed buns filled with BBQ pork chashao bao 叉燒包
Coconut pudding with taro xiangyu ye zhi gao 香芋椰子糕
Shanghai cai
Steamed dumpling filled with pork meat xiaolongbao 小籠包
Steamed herring qingzheng shiyu 清蒸鰣魚(yú)
Chestnut soup with osmanthus guihua xian su geng 桂花鮮粟羹
West lake vinegared fish xihu cu yu 西湖醋魚(yú)
Beggar’s roast chicken jiaohuazi ji 叫花子雞
Crab and fishmeat ball guan xie yu yuan 灌蟹魚(yú)圓
Dong’an vinegar chicken dong’an zi ji 東安子雞
Hunan cai
Hunan casserole chicken xiaoxiang baozi ji 瀟湘煲子雞
Fried pickled beans with minced meat suan daojiao chao roumo 酸豆角炒肉末
Steamed fish head with peppers doujiao zheng yutou 剁椒蒸魚(yú)頭
Fried green beans with red pepper sijidou chao hong lajiao 四季豆炒紅辣椒
Braised pork hong shao rou 紅燒肉
Braised hunan fish hongshao wuchang yu 紅燒武昌魚(yú)
Duck in three cups of beer pijiu sanbei ya 啤酒三杯鴨
Steamed rice in clay pot shenxian bofan 神仙鉑飯
Other vegetable dishes
Stirfried doumiao qing chao doumiao 清炒豆苗
Panfried tomato and eggs xihongshi chao jidan 西紅柿炒雞蛋
Stirfried broccoli qingchao xilanhua 清炒西蘭花
Braised eggplant hongshao qiezi 紅燒茄子
Fried rice with shrimps, mushrooms and chicken shijin chaofan 什錦炒飯
Fried rice with eggs jidan chaofan 雞蛋炒飯
Fried rice with vegetables sucai chaofan 素菜炒飯