Alice: 一個大學生,喜歡閱讀和旅行。
Bob: 一個軟件工程師,熱愛運動和音樂。
Carol: 一名醫生,喜歡烹飪和繪畫。
Alice: Hi Bob, hi Carol! It's great to see you both here.
Bob: Hey Alice! Long time no see. How have you been?
Carol: Yeah, it's been a while. What have you been up to?
Alice: I just got back from a trip to Italy. It was amazing! The food, the culture, and the history were all so fascinating.
Bob: That sounds incredible. Did you get a chance to practice your Italian?
Alice: A little bit, but mostly I relied on English. Surprisingly, many Italians speak English quite well.
Carol: I bet that made things easier for you. How about you, Bob? Any new projects or adventures?
Carol: Wow, that's awesome! Maybe one day you can play for us at one of these gatherings.
Bob: (laughs) Sure, why not? Once I get better, of course.
Alice: I would love that! Speaking of new hobbies, Carol, have you tried any new recipes lately?
Carol: Yes, actually. I tried making sushi last weekend. It was more challenging than I thought, but it turned out pretty well.
Bob: Sushi is one of my favorites. Maybe next time you can teach me how to make it.
Carol: Absolutely! We can have a sushi-making party. Alice, would you be interested in joining?
Alice: Definitely! I love trying new foods and learning new skills.
Bob: Great, then it's settled. We'll plan a sushi-making party soon.
Carol: Sounds like a plan. Let's stay in touch and finalize the details.
Alice: Perfect! I'm looking forward to it.
Bob: Me too. It's always great to spend time with friends and try new things.