"Stray Birds" (《飛鳥集》)
"The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover."
"Let my doing nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent."
"Gitanjali" (《吉檀迦利》)
"I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades for ever and for ever as I move."
"If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars."
"Fruit-Gathering" (《采果集》)
"The dust of snow on the hem of my coat, the message from my friend the pine tree."
"The clouds fill the sky with their own nature, they don't carry the burden of others."
"The Fugitive" (《流螢集》)
"The night kisses the fading day whispering to his ear, 'I am thy mother. I will give thee birth anew.'"
"The mind, sharp and pointed, goes wheresoever it likes, but the heart goes with the object of its love."
"The Gardener" (《園丁集》)
"Love is an endless mystery, because there is no reasonable cause that could explain it."
"In the moonlight I shall wander alone, with my shadow before me."