1. fuck off
2. Fuck off
3. fuck up ...
4. fuck you up
5. Fuck about with
6. dont fuck with me
7. Fuck about/around
8. homo fuck =fucking homo
9. fuck that! = fuck that shit
10. shut up . shut the hell up , shut the fuck up.
You make me sick! 你真讓我惡心!
You’re a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球!
You stupid jerk! 你這蠢豬!
You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。
What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊?
What a stupid idiot! 真是白癡一個!
You’re a disgrace. 你真丟人!
You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一個廢物!/ 你一無是處!
Can’t you do anything right? 成事不足,敗事有余。
You’re a joke! 你真是一個小丑!
Pervert !變態、流氓
Play dumb. 裝傻
Same difference半斤八兩
No class!真沒水準
Blood and gore.很惡心
You're so lame!你真笨
Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。
What a bird man! 你這個鳥人 !
bullshit shoot shit的美用就像中國說SB的時候可以說傻波一樣 shirt 同上 fuck不用解釋了 son of bitch狗娘養的 suck for you SB stupid idiot傻瓜 get out滾 go to hell去死暫時只能想到這么多了~~ 應該夠用了~
nut 指某方面癡迷的人,別人看成怪物一樣。
insane 指別人神經病
fucker (不要以為它有f**k就很粗)其實這個詞在美語中也常見,指傻瓜或笨旦
idiot 指白癡
nothing (e.g. you are nothing 指混蛋)