其實一般都是說: I slept over this morning.
overplayed 很少用的,這個就用too much就好了
刷卡,swipe the card
scan the card 是指把這個卡用掃描儀去掃描
cut up
hang about
sleep in
major in
ice skating
will someone seems
open exhibition
look into
bring about
don't let them.. enter
out of fashion
popular of
get along with
all kind of
to find time to do sth
in/on the one hand
as far as possible
take off
run away
be supposed to
in health
put up with
make a living
straight forward
around the world
1.切碎 cut up
2.閑逛 saunter
3.睡過頭 sleep over / sleep late
4.主修 specialize / major
5.滑冰 skate
6.就某人看來 in one`s opinion
7.開畫展 hold an art show
8.調查investigate / look into
9.實現 come true
10.不讓。進入 do not let ......get into ......
11.過時的 out of date / outmoded
12.流行的popular / fashionable
13.相處 get along with / live together
14.各種各樣的all kind of / several
15.找到時間做某事 take sb`s time to do sth
16在。一方面 in .....respect
17盡可能as possible as you can
18.起飛take off
19.逃跑 escape / take flight
20被期望 beenexpect
21身體健康 have good heath
22克服 put up with / surmount
23謀生 make a living / earn one`s living
24一直 (時間上)all the time / all the way / all along
25在世界各地 all over the world / around the world
"I overslept"
I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept.
動詞over sleep 形容詞overslept
動詞over play形容詞overplayed
刷卡 Scan bus ticket card
以上就是睡過頭用英語怎么說的全部內容,睡得很晚的英文是Sleep late。“睡得晚”的英語怎么說,人們第一反應應該是“sleep late”,但真正的意思是:睡懶覺;睡得很晚才起;睡過頭;起得晚。