用英語介紹乒乓球運動?關于乒乓球的英文介紹:Table tennis is a worldwide popular sport, including attack, confrontation and defense. The competition is divided into groups, singles and doubles. Table tennis is China's national sport.中文:乒乓球是一種世界流行的球類體育項目,包括進攻、對抗和防守。比賽分團體、那么,用英語介紹乒乓球運動?一起來了解一下吧。
Ping-pongAthletic creation, belong to the fortuity purely.Is because of twoEnglandThe youth plays to cause of. The end of 19 centuries, a dayLondonTwo youths the person has a meal to a restaurant, at wait for the bellboy sends the rice, they feel the boredom, will pack then and at randomCigarOf a cover takes atHandPlay inside, filled the cork of the wine bottle to also stir down again at the same time, two people are on the dining table you to I to, beat to come over to beat mutually past, result, his a pair play unexpectedly into be fond of, connect to have a meal to all attend to not ascend.From here, this the game on the dining table, turn into, develop very quickly ping-pong ball game, combine to roll up London, became a ping-pong the heat at that time.In honor of contrivance country,1926, the first batch world ping-pong championships holds in London.
In former times When people play ping-pong, like mostly to stick on the wooden board racket a layer leather or cork.The rubber racket is British the thou is virtuous to invent first and use of. When a small change for, over ball in ancient virtuous match empress, on the way home arriving medicine store buying medicine, being medicine store boss will finding back throws to him, the coin falls to played to get up on the rubber plate.Ancient virtuous eye eye immediately a bright, hence direction medicine store the boss bought the rubber plate, on where own racket, reformed the oneself with meticulous care at first of racket. Afterwards, the thou is virtuous to use this piece of in this worlds a racket for gluing last rubber takes part in a game, combining to win all opponents calmly.From that time on, the rubber racket published then and publicly.
The ping-pong gets cause and others of
In exercising history, the ping-pong sport can be regarded as a young athletics exercises, it only has the history of more than 100 years, than rises the athletics(2,000 years are above) comes, it can be regarded as the reputation corresponds to reality younger generation.
In 1890, several garrisonsIndia( India) of England navy( navy) the military officer discovers by chance to play the tennis to stimulate very on an estrade for not very.Afterwards they change to replace the flexibility with the hollow and small ball solid ball not very, counteract the wooden board replaced the net claps, going forward in the table a line of this kind of is novel of" tennis match", this is the cause that table tennis get.
The Table tennis appears soon, then a kind of popular sport that become popular for a time.At the beginning of 20 centuries,The United StatesBeginning a game for producing ping-pong tools and implements.At the beginning, table tennis contain other name, such as Indoor tennis.Afterwards, a the United States manufactory creates the this new phrase in ping- pong with the voice that ping-pong send out when bumping shot, being used as the " ping-pong" patent registration trademark that he make.The Ping- pong is afterwards table tennis formal name in another.It spread to China behind, people creates the this new phrase in " ping-pong" language again.
AtJapanese, the ping-pong is called"Table tennis".The ping-pong is athletic and a lot of to use the phrase changes from the tennis of.Playing ping-pong a ball for using calls ping- pong ball or table- tennis ball, the ping-pong set calls ping- pong table, the set calls the court, the in-between ball net calls the net, propping up the shelf of the ball net call net support.
The ping-pong single game adopts generally three bureau two 勝 or five bureau three 勝 system, so-called" bureau", English is a set.The hair ball calls serve.
The ping-pong originates England.EuropeThe person call the " a last tennis" to the ping-pong up to now, from here then, the ping-pong be developped by tennis since then.The end of 19 centuries, the European widely accepted tennis exercises, but be suffered by 於 to be present a ground of with the restrict of the weather, some university students in England move to the indoors to the tennis then, regarding dining table as the ball set, the book makes the ball net, using the parchment does the racket, beating on the dining table to beat to go to.
At the beginning of 20 centuries, the ping-pong exercises in Europe withAsiaIt is booming to open the exhibition gets up.In 1926, in Germany Berlin held the international ping-pong invitational tournament.The 后 were confirmed for first batch world ping-pong championships.Established the international ping-pong the consociation the meeting at the same time.
The ping-pong is athletic extensive to open the exhibition, urging the racket to have the very big improvement with the ball.The first racket is a piece of slightly wooden board that pass through process.The 后 comes to someone to stick on the racket a layer sheepskin.With the modern industrial development in著 , the European sticks to take the rubber of the gum grain on the racket.In the beginning of 50's, the Japanese invents to stick the racket of the thick sea cotton again.First ball is a category the rubber ball,1890 of the tennis, the athlete 吉 cloth of England bring back the some conduct and actions toy from the United States ofCelluloidBall, use the 於 ping-pong sport.
In title numerously of ping-pong game, most the negative great reputation is the ping-pong championships of world, holding once annually at first,1957 the 后 changes to two years to hold once.
In 1904, an owner of stationer store in Shanghai the kingly way noon buy to return to 10 sets of ping-pongs device from Japan.From now on, the ping-pong sport streams into China.
The ping-pong sport originates England in last phase in 19 centurieses about, spreading to later on the United States, European central part, Japan, China and Korea etc. ground.The ping-pong exercises the inception was seen by the many people for amusing the activity, but the development is up to now, having become one of a world and main sports.The Olympic sports games in winning of ping-pong sport admits in 1988, becoming the event formally, among them included single, women's singles, men's doubles in man and women's doubleses.
Ping-pong technical term
A, the district of the game set
( a) the left and right half area calls again 1/2 area, its direction to hit ball with racket oneself but speech.
( two) the near net area points to be apart from the ball net 40 the rice of 厘 including of district
( three) the bottom line area points to be apart from to carry the line 30 the rice of 厘 including of district
( four) inside area is pointed to lie in near net area with the district of the bottom line area
Two, the racket bounce the form racket claps the form includes to clap the angle with clap the direction.
( a) clap the angle clap the angle is an angle to points to clap become with set.
(1) clap and set 90 for perpendicular.
(2) clap is smaller with the angle of the set formation 90 for ex- 傾 .
(3) clap is over and above with the angle of the set formation 90 for empress 仰 .
( two) clap the direction clap the direction is an angle to points the racket the or so deflecting, become with ball you line.
Three, hit ball with racket the part hit ball with racket the part is a concrete position to point to hit ball with racket racket 觸 ball, it is basic up with clap the form angle to fit together mutually.
( a) upper part
( two) top central part
( three) inside upper part
( four) central part
( five) inside lower part
( six) bottom central part
( seven) lower part
Four, hit ball with racket time hit ball with racket time is that time to be pointed ball after this square set play rises to drop.
( a) run high the period:The ball playses to rise for new- risen stage from the set.
( two) period after running high:The ball plays the stage that rises nears to the apogee.
( three) apogee period:The ball plays the stage that rises attains the apogee.
( four) ex- period in descent:First stage that ball descend from the apogee beginning.
( five) descent empress period:The ball descends to near to the previous this stage in ground.
Five, hit ball with racket the route hit ball with racket the route is a line to point from hit ball with racket to order to fall the pedestal a formation.Five basic circuit( then hit ball with racket for basis)s for:The right oblique line, right straight line, left oblique line, left is straightly and inside the road the straight line.The inside road straight line ball to stand at any time in actual game an and settle of, then make track for the body ball, also call that the road of inside makes track for the body road.
Six, hit ball with racket to order to hit ball with racket to order is an opposite position for belonging to spatial position, this is to hitting ball with racket but speech of, include below three factors:The ball of ① is placed in bodily in front and back position ② ball and the high and low position of the bodily and far close quarter ③ ball.
The main military tactics of the ping-pong
A, push to offend the military tactics
Characteristics:Main application offend the ball with versa push the speed that block with power, combine the combination falls to order the variety with rhythm variety to inhibit with transfer the other party, to fight for active or get a goal.Pushing to offend military tactics is a left pushing right strike against the method deals with the type that attackstone the main military tactics beats the method, having versa push the both sides of the ability of blocking offend the athlete and offend the 削 the combination athlete etc. to also often use it.
1, left push the right offending 2, push to block the side body to rush toward the positive hand after offending 3, push to block, the side body offends 4, left push to join together the versa offending 5, left push, versa offend, the side body rushes toward the positive hand after offending.
1, push, offend to all want the wired road change, fall to order the variety to change with the rhythm, this is the main method to push to offend military tactics fight for active with creates to button up intention to murder meeting.
2, push to block general regard pressing the versa hand in the other party as lord, then become suddenly positive hand, to create the aggression opportunity.If the positive hand in the other party is worse, can just push the other party positive hand for lord.
3, add suddenly in push block the dint push the other party inside road, making the other party difficult in make an effort to return to shot, then button up to kill with positive hand or side bodies.
4, the hour of opportunity to meet ball wants to be resolute to button up to kill, this is the main means to push to offend military tactics get a goal.
5, push to offend the military tactics wants to insist near set, can't defend to the death the near set again, want the near pedestal in academic association to convert with the position of the inside set, control the opponent rhythm.
6, push to offend the military tactics deal with turn of 弧 beats the method should insist near set as lord, use to push quickly with add, reduce the dint push to block the control falls to order, waiting for an opportunity near pedestal in adoption anti pull or the inside waits the power buttons up to kill the 弧 a ball, then enter positive hand continue take the offensive.
Two, the both sides offends the military tactics
Characteristics:Make use of primarily positive, versa offend the technical speed in ball to inhibit the other party with power, fight for active button up with creation intention to murder meeting.The both sides offends the technique is a main military tactics that both sides strike against the method deal with to attackstone the type beats the method.
1, offend the left buttonning up right 2, strike against two Cape, fierce button up the road of inside.
1, positive and versa offend the ball to all want the wired road change with fall to order the variety, for the purpose of creation button up the intention to murder the meeting.
2, want to press versa hand in the other party is lord, then attackstone the other party positive hand or the road of inside, to create to button up intention to murder meeting.
3, the hour of opportunity to meet ball wants the brave buttons up to kill.
4, the both sides offends the military tactics to under the active aggression circumstance to insist near set, passive circumstance bottom can appropriate countermarch, in near pedestal of inside or the set proceeds the countercharge.
5, the both sides offends the military tactics deals with the 弧 a ball beats the method should insist near set, use to take a 弧 for living the other party a ball quickly, wait for an opportunity near pedestal in adoption anti pull or the inside etc. power buttons up to kill the 弧 a ball, then turn in to continue the aggression.
Three, pull to offend the military tactics
Characteristics:Continuous the application is quick moving pull the creation aggression opportunity, then the adoption mounts sudden attack with button up to kill to be used as to get a goal the means.Pull to offend the military tactics to strike against quickly ball of 削 that method deal with main military tactics fight the method.
1, button up to kill after pulling 2, versa button up to kill after pulling
Main items:
1, the power that pull, button up wants the bigger 懸殊 , toing make the other party caught unprepared.
2, pull the ball want the wired road with fall to order the variety with the transfer the other party, fight for active with create opportunity to take the offensive.
3, the hour of opportunity to meet ball wants the brave buttons up to kill or mount sudden attack.
4, adopt to pull to offend the military tactics want the patience, doing not want to impatient of beg, did not want the 兇 to the opportunity ball that did not have confidence.
Four, pull, button up, hang the combinative military tactics
Characteristics:From pull to offend with put the short ball combine together but, offend quickly the method that type play the ball of 削 deal with the in common use military tactics beats the method.
1, put the short ball after pulling to offend to button up to kill or mount sudden attack tactically.
2, after pulling to offend to put the short ball in the military tactics, the combination buttons up to kill or mount sudden attack.
Main items:
1, pull to offend the inside put the short ball, wanting at the other party stands a farther and come to near net in ball hour proceed, like this, put the short ball of falling and ordering easy closing to the ball net, can increase the distance that the other party forward move with the difficulty.
2, button up to kill after putting the short ball, if the other party is been very near by pedestal, can aim at the other party body direction button up to kill, like this, can usually make the other party difficult in let return the shot.
Five, rub to offend the military tactics
Characteristics:Main application" turn, low, quick, change" of rub ball control the other party, then look for battleplane, then adopt the low 突 , hurry or pull to offend to wait the technique launches the offensive combine into consecution take the offensive;At rub the ball inside opportunity to meet ball hour the proceeding buttons up to kill, usually taking suddenly sex, can usually get a goal directly.Rubbing to offend military tactics is ping-pong every kind of an assistance whose method is all indispensable military tactics.
1, positive, versa rub the ball the combination the quick moving pull, hurry, mounting sudden attack or buttonning up kill.
2, positive, versa rub the ball the combination anti are quick moving to pull, hurry, mount sudden attack or button up to kill.
1, rub to offend the military tactics since want to rise early possibly plank, to fight for active, but can't have the nasty the motion of 噪 again, otherwise, rise the plank mistakes easily.
2, at rub the ball inside opportunity to meet ball hour want the brave button up to kill, this is to rubs to offend the tactical getting a goal the means primarily.
3, put in rub shortly short, can make the other party not easy to take the offensive compete first, so benefit to create aggression opportunity, in order to wait for an opportunity to use, versa hand or side bodies take the offensive.
Six, counterattack the military tactics in the 削
Characteristics:From the ball of 削 and offend ball combination but, often then force Cape added to turn the ball of 削 is lord, wait for an opportunity the countercharge;Or to turn, low, steady, the ball of 削 that change, force the opponent to pull to offend in took a stroll, with from the inside in search of opportunity, give the countercharge.This kind of military tactics has" force, change, 兇 , offend" of characteristics, is a main technique to offend, 削 join together a method.
1, positive, the versa hand 削 ball forces Cape, combinative offend or the side body offends the right side of the other party empty be.
2, positive, versa hand 削 two greatest Capeses grow the ball, joining together the positive and versa hand countercharge.
1, the positive and versa hand 削 ball all notices the variety that revolve the strength.Add with the 削 after 削 add turn the ball that turn the skill 削 resembles to do not turn the ball, is a valid method to make the other party pull up the high ball, to proceed to counterattack.
2, the hour of 削 ball wants to press the low curve possibly, toing avoid the other party button up to kill or mount sudden attack.
3, the ball of 削 forces the hour of Cape want the adequacy to match with the 削 the other corner, toing make the other party to hit ball with racket in took a stroll.
Seven, the hair ball attacks and occupy the military tactics
Characteristics:The hair ball attacks and occupy the military tactics to revolve, circuit, fall to order and the flat-out and different hair ball return to shot to the other party that increase the difficulty, making its emergence opportunity ball, or lower to return to ball quantity, then take the offensive compete first, toing fight for active or get a goal directly, this is the main military tactics that ping-pong is all a method takes the offensive especially the type beats the method with get a goal the means.
1, send down to revolve with" do not turn" attack and occupy.
2, the hair is positive and versa to rush the ball attacks and occupy.
3, positive and versa hand in hair side top, bottom the 旋 ball attacks and occupy.
Table tennis is a worldwide popular sport, including attack, confrontation and defense. The competition is divided into groups, singles and doubles. Table tennis is China's national sport.
1890年,幾位駐守印度的英國海軍軍官偶然發覺在一張不大的臺子上玩網球頗為刺激。后來他們改用實心橡膠代替彈性不大的實心球,隨后改為空心的塑料球,并用木板代替了網拍,在桌子上進行這種新穎的“網球賽”,這就是Table tennis得名的由來。
This is a basketball.I play very well.I'm sure you can do it too.
Basketball 籃球
The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began. No, somebody had to have invented it. And that somebody would be James Naismith.
Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891. Naismith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport. The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season. Naismith began to work. The first game-ball was a soccer ball.
The first baskets were peach baskets that Naismith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall. From there, the legacy of basketball began. Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then. From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire.
During 1885 highschools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898, the first Pro League was founded. After the first game played, Naismith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but many more were yet to come. The hoops we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net hanging from it's rim.
Table tennis originated in the 1870s in the United Kingdom, as a kind of gossip instead of lawn tennis, leisure sports. Today, table tennis has become a high-tech and high-speed competitive sport. From the population to participate in the sport, table tennis can be regarded as the first movement in the world, nearly 40 million people worldwide in the movement.
以上就是用英語介紹乒乓球運動的全部內容,the game became a fashionable craze.和其他運動一樣,乒乓球一開始只是社會中無足輕重的一部分。它跟草坪網球和羽毛球都是由網球演變而來的。在19世紀的后半葉,乒乓球就以其現在的名字或其他商業名流行于英國,比如: GOSSIMA, WHIFF-WHAFF。而當乒乓這個名字被J.Jaques&Son引進之后。