Many kinds of contest encourages people in China to speak English,and this passage has introduced the way of singing in English to us.It's a good way of improving our oral English.Many people interest in singing,so they can reach there goals by this way.Through singing English songs,they can make a great progress in their oral English.so,It must be a good way of learning English,isn't it?I like singing,too.And my oral English is not so good yet.I'll have a try.What about you,my friends?
Begins with the police came on a few strokes took a quick upright, devoted a good image of the police sketch out. The appointments come from afar off the appearance but the West is "body leaning against a hardware store, did not support her mouth with the smoke point" and saw the police approached, he offered some small talk, very sophisticated; cigarette lighter when he is the style is a "wide chin, sharp eyes, a scar near the right eyebrow," which shows his extraordinary experience in the West: he in the West "and some of the calculation of the businessman vs. handling money," Nature ultimately fierce disputes with others, and contest; their dress - "a large diamond scarf pin eccentric to do the" hand look at the table when he saw "high number of tablets inlaid table covered with small diamonds." Friends of the East will return, he will remember all the lines are confused the first wiping silver gilding, which shows that he has a strong psychological returned home gloriously, like his best friend before the show two decades the outcome of struggle. After two years of ups and downs, he as if the rivers and lakes into a sophisticated human - "slick Bob." Body of his friend for something to like him who rashly through a complex case been heard in years, thousands of miles to attend the meeting, and in the cold, wet night in journeying to wait then? Western discourse in the emerging customer slang dialect, reflecting his west blend into the bottom of society. He called young best friend, they will continue with "guy, friends, old man" and so on, shows that though two decades have not met, in the heart he had and the best friend the moment is not separate. He praised his young friends have added, with the highest level four adjectives: "the best", "best" and "the most real," "most reliable" shows that although the past two decades, friends in his mind the good impression left no less. Also reflect the difficulty of his life in the West: a just adult, worldly young and go alone to the city environment as much as we want hard, endured much suffering to get what she wants? ; That day he felt tired, so he became hypocritical, so he can better understand the pure and precious friendship, he will vow to 20 years ago, they threw back East. Finally, when plain-clothed policemen come to someone else to recognize when he mistakenly thought it was old friends and hold herself back inside the expansion, in enumerating his hair about family history. - Hold back any longer to reveal everything to share with each other eagerly, pressing and urgent mood, completely put aside the usual camouflage in front of others, although descriptions of offenders, but passed on these details to show readers a forthright and frank people poured out of boiling emotions - so real, honest! So sincere and moving! Do not write negative positive, thus, the reader can feel the friendship of the police a description of Mexico's deep vain for a purpose: of the more off the mouth of the western described by two friends, friendship and their praise, the more prominent police inner struggle and conflict.
這是一部寓意深遠的古典悲劇式的小說,也一部英雄主義的交響曲。 海明威說:“我試圖描寫一個真正的老人,一個真正的孩子,真正的大海,一條真正的魚和許多真正的鯊魚。然而,如果我能寫得足夠逼真的話,他們也能代表許多其他的事物。”故事描寫的老人圣地亞哥是個倒霉的人,84天沒捕到魚,而別的漁夫都把他看做失敗者。但這似乎預示著一場戰斗的開始,果然,就在第85天,他真的發現了一條1500磅大馬哈魚,明知對方力量比他強,還是決心戰斗到底。他對大魚說:“我跟你奉陪到底!”,最后終獲勝利。在老人辛辛苦苦抓到了魚之后,考驗卻并沒有結束。魚因為又大又長,他只好將魚綁在船的一邊。回航時,大魚的血腥味引來了鯊魚一次又一次的襲擊。于是,他用盡一切個人手段來反擊。魚叉被鯊魚帶走了,他把小刀綁在槳上亂扎。刀子折斷了,他用短棍。短棍也丟了,他外用舵把來打。
英語課文縮寫Abbreviation of English text。
To summarize the main idea of the whole text and the main idea of each paragraph;
Around the main event and material, cut out the secondary plot and material;
Abbreviation language, the specific description of the sentence into a concise narrative of the sentence
The odds and ends are really small things, but if we make good use of them, they will bring great benefits to ourselves. For us students, we should make good use of odd time, taking any chances to read or think, the real profit is in using the odds and ends.
以上就是英語文章概括怎么寫的全部內容,英語summary的寫法:首先記下關鍵詞,要點或論點和主題句;第二步,形成一段簡短的大綱,遵循原始組織;第三步,用我們自己的語言;第四步,在摘要中使用關鍵字,并相應地為摘要提供標題;第五步,避免例子,引言,技術用語 使用簡單UND易懂的英語;第六步,必須客觀并且以第三人稱。