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  • 大學
  • 2024-03-28

前景實用英語綜合教程3?3.It must be appreciated that management skills can be learned,whereas entrepreneurial ability is a matter of personal flair.必須要意識到管理的技能是可以學到的,但是企業家的能力則是一種天賦。那么,前景實用英語綜合教程3?一起來了解一下吧。


新編實用英語第三冊練習答案 (Unit 1-Unit 7)

3. shipopportunity share first-handsupportive


4.overseasin whichgrowinginfluenceddecrease

has led tofurtheradmissiondelaysnegative


1>.He was delighted to have got the first-hand information of the event.

2>.People often say life depends on motion because exercising stimulates blood flow.

3>.It is not surprising that heavy rains usually occur during the summer season.

4>.The consumer rights protection law enables consumers to make claims with the companyconcerned.

5>.Possessing a wide range of knowledge contributes to your success in scientific research.


1>. He has a strong desire for getting acquainted with her.

Jim has a strong desire for learning Chinese, so he is sure to make it.

2>. Sometimes, products made by hand are more expensive than those made by machine.

A lot of labor, such as farming, sewing, printing and so on, was done by hand in ancient times.

3>.We should combine what we have learned with practice.

A good learner often combines study with enjoyment.

4>.They have invited the mayor to cut the ribbon at the traffic-opening ceremony of the soon to be completed bridge.

The soon to be constructed expressway will be 568km long.

5>.It once seemed unbelievable that men could travel to the moon.

Iraq was once a rather powerful nation in the Middle East.


3. flashing favor should observeconductedwas shocked

have been evolvingpotentialfrustratingto engagestandstil

4. encouraging imposein effect give up

to learnInternationalwith applicants


1>.Although Mr. Li is an exacting teacher, his students like him very much.

2>.We'd better first fill up the car with petrol before starting out.

3>.With the rapid development of high technology, more and more people around the world are able to watch live television programs.

4>.After retirement, workers are able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

5>.A very attractive woman made a dramatic speech at the meeting.

6>.I fitted a new lock to ensure that the bicycle would not be stolen.


1>.She was surprised to find the concert hall being packed with audiences.

The hotel manager was surprised to find the lobby being packed with guests.

2>. Once you have decided to get married, you should shoulder the family responsibilities.

Once you become a teacher, you should devote yourself to teaching.

3>.It's best to engage the teaching staff in the reform of classroom teaching so as to improve the quality of education.

It's best to engage every clerk or shop assistant in establishing a close relationship with our customers.

4>.Be careful with your behavior in public places.

Be careful with what the manager said to you just now.

5>.Even with the help of his brother, he still can't solve the problem.

Even with so many differences between each other, the Board of Directors has eventually reached an agreement.


3. identicalfocused on reducedafford features

had caused chain Reactionpositionsnegative

4. FirstwhichLow reduce are

No become thatitswould

5.1>. This bank charges 6 percent interest on all its loans.

2>. This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.

3>. Manufacturers spend huge sums of money on advertising their products.

4>. My mother could not afford to go to college when she finished high school.

5>. It was a chain of mistakes that led to this result.

6>. The tourists were attracted by the beautiful scenery of the "green city."

7>. We are identical in our views of what should be done.

8>. They reduced the training time from twenty days to two weeks.

6.1.> The many roles he played in different films made him one of the best-known actors in China.

Many of his books, poems and plays made him one of the best-known writers in the world.

2>. The experience was so negative that I would never stay at that hotel again.

Public reaction was so negative that he dropped the proposal for the time being.

3>. In many cases, the cause of a disease is not known.

In many cases, the information that we obtain is incomplete.

4>. You need to take responsibility for your own actions and stop placing blame on others.

Placing blame on others means not being able to recognize personal shortcomings.

5>. Many workers find themselves in positions where they have to undergo more training.

He soon found himself in positions where he had to make greater use of his many gifts.


3.denied partly had risked removedfailed

disaster assumed discourageregistered residents

4.needthrough seewithprocess

whom party another not about


1>. The thieves made off with a large sum of money from the bank.

2>. High blood pressure places millions of people at the risk of heart attack.

3>. Think twice before you make any important decisions.

4>. A large part of the African continent is in danger of becoming a desert.

5>. Not once has he suggested a good way to deal with any problem.


1.> If there is a problem, we never point fingers at each other.

They pointed fingers at one another for failing to prevent the disaster.

2>.It is highly unlikely that this problem will be solved in the near future.

It was highly unlikely that she would do that kind of thing.

3>.This computer virus is spreading, and all online users are at risk.

The economy is very depressed at the moment, which puts more jobs at risk.

4>.I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school.

Always think twice before paying out large sums of money.

5>.Could it be that more people will ride bikes to work?

Could it be that I was too close to the situation to see it?


3.perspectiveassigned revealedinsightunintended

contraststartled performfeel like serving as

4. employees is concerned withoperateresponsive calls for

employers turn outOn the other hand no denying means


1>. In cultural exchanges, misunderstanding is often unavoidable.

2>. In my few years of study in Britain, I had chances to meet students of all sorts ofnationalities.

3>. In Western countries, it is a common way for students to send Christmas cards to teachers to show their respect.

4>. My teacher looked at me, with a puzzled expression on the face.

5>. We are all aware that competition in the market is very fierce.

6>.. When some Chinese idioms are translated into English, their meanings may startle some readers of English.


1>. He seems to know the way better than I do.

His voice seemed to have disturbed her.

2>. His carelessness led to this accident.

Hard work leads to success.

3>. I was assigned to a small room when I started my work in the college.

Each of us was assigned to a holiday homework by the teacher.

4>. Don't leave until I arrive.

I won't stop shouting until you let me go.

5>. My eyes were irritated by the smoke.

The boss was irritated by the clerk's rude behavior.

6>. When it came his turn, he rose from his seat.

When it comes to drawing a plan, leave it to me.

7>. Instead of improving, he is getting worse.

They built a reservoir half way up the mountain instead of at the top.


3. bring in traits obediencehas blocked verified

Perplexedelicited decipher back uptransform

4. everywhere a joint ventureinvestmentmarket partnerships

Companieslocal losingwholly-owned introduced


1>. A fresh coat of paint can transform a room beyond recognition.

2>. If I make the proposal, are you willing to back me up?

3>. Subsequent events verified my suspicion.

4>. Don't mention it any more, and I will bear it in mind.

5>. This rather difficult question perplexed him.

6>. Involved in that case, he was blocked from entering the government.


1>. If war broke out, perhaps he would go to the front.

If you were a little more careful, perhaps I would give you the task.

2>. We had no difficulty finding the house where he was living then.

We had great difficulty persuading him.

3>. We sometimes eat rice instead of bread.

Instead of Bill, it was Peter who moved in.

4>. John didn't inform me whether his mother was coming.

This report informed us that Australia has the lowest standard of dental health in the world.

5>. Bear in mind that university days are the most precious time in one's life.

Bear in mind that the sports meet has been put off till next Friday.


3. soared milestonecommercialnutritionamused

charming iconpresented romantic symbolizes

4. pleasureiconindustryappearance consumers



1>. Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellentperformance.

2>. On Teachers' Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teacher had accomplished in the past year.

3>. The children were amused by the story about the cat.

4>. The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.

5>. Walking after supper promotes digestion.


1>.What people admire about Lei Feng is his selflessness.

What we lack currently is credibility.

2>. Since the Bulls won their third championship, Michael Jordan has been synonymous with the NBA.

Since his story was publicized, Kong Fansen has almost been synonymous with the outstanding Party member.

3>. His misery in life began when he first tried the drugs.

His romantic life began when he first touched a painting brush.

4>. The film was so wonderful that I wanted to enjoy it again.

We were so attracted by his description that we were planning to travel on Lijiang.

5>. Even today, bunch of roses symbolizes love.

Even today, war symbolizes destruction.

Unit 8

5 Translate the following sentences into English

1. Some economists believe that China will meet with more opportunities and challenges in regard to the impact after its accession to the WTO.

2. Each member country must observe a series of international trade rules set up by the WTO.

3. His task is to eliminate mistakes from the students' writing.

4. The greatest challenge China faces after its joining the WTO is how to transform the functions of the government.

5. The WTO rules embody the culture of the modern market economy.

6. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentence.

1. An earth-shaking change has taken place in China since its opening up to the out side world.

Little change has taken place on him as time goes by.

2. What we should do now is to make an investigation first and then work out a detailed plan.

What we should do now is to discuss how to meet the challenges and opportunities after China's entry into the WTO.

3. Only in this way can the two countries settle their disputes.

Only in this way can the students communication skills be improved












Unit 1


1.scattered 2.convinced 3.generate 4.prompt 5.identify

6.flexible 7.feedback 8.presentation 9.Target 10.object

Ex. 5

1. She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.


2. He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.


3. You should always aim at doing your job well.


4. She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.


5. The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.




Unit 1

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. curious 2. affects 3. emergency 4. locked 5. Relatively 6. complaining 7. protested

8. react 9. mood 10. unique 11. consciousness 12. surgery

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. the bottom line 2. thanks to 3. reflect on 4. had lost touch 5. went through

6. followed around 7. looking on 8. woke up 9. take action 10. after all

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him to look on the

bright side.

2. The police reacted immediately when report came that two kids had been held up at gunpoint in

a nearby building.

3. When I pointed out the mistakes in her calculation, instead of correcting them as soon as

possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault.

4. Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he didn!ˉt get it.

5. Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life before he lost

consciousness in the emergency room.

6. When I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard

work. That!ˉs the bottom line.

Unit 2

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. intense 2. concept 3. committed 4. deserve 5. selfish 6. compromise 7. matters

8. opponent 9. influence 10. effort 11. shortcuts 12. evidence

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. work at 2. According to 3. run through 4. in sight 5. live with 6. a variety of

7. When it comes to 8. live up to

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Take Michael Jordan, it!ˉs easy for people tosee his achievements while neglect the price of

blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.

2. Right in the first English class, our teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building

blocks of the language, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool!ˉs gold.

3. Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to the construction of America!ˉs first

transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history.

4. When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complaints of the

players but he never compromises with any of them.

5. Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right

and wrong is as thin as an eggshell.

6. As competition intensifies, our opponents and we are all working hard to live up to higher

service standards.

Unit 3

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. withdraw 2. opposite 3. consult 4. seeking 5. chief 6. frustrated 7. gather

8. suggestions 9. numerous 10. crucial 11. approval 12. yield

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. give up on 2. kicked out 3. at the end of my rope 4. count!-out 5. provide!-wit

6. that is 7. on the brink of 8. moved forward

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. The health report stresses the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet.

2. I spent a whole week gathering the courage to say no to their request.

3. These journeys made him realize to the fullest extent that many of the world!ˉs species were on

the brink of extinction.

4. Approval of the patient!ˉs family should be sought before doctors carry out such operations.

5. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.

6. We gave up on the missing mountain climber after he had been missing for two weeks.

Unit 4

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. mankind 2. determination 3. burden 4. define 5. financial 6. resources

7. research 8. cure 9. evil 10. hardship 11. suicide 12. suffered

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. broke down 2. took!-for granted 3. look!-in the eye 4. couldn!ˉt help but respect h

5. crying over 6. no doubt 7. dressing up 8. slipped into

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. He was no doubt a great hero so people couldn!ˉt help but cry over his death.

2. The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might someday yield a cure for AIDS.

3. The disabled man once considered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burden.

4. Children dress up as Superman to capture adults!ˉ attention.

5. It wasn!ˉt until I matured that I realized I shouldn!ˉt be afraid to look adversity and hardship i

the eye.

6. He could have easily stayed at home, for he had plenty of financial resources to keep him from

worrying about medical bills.


Unit 5

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. discharged 2. anger 3. latter 4. relationship 5. engaged 6. backgrounds

7. miserable 8. invitation 9. match 10. folded 11. overseas 12. propose

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. broke down 2. from time to time 3. From the very beginning 4. knocked down

5. agreed to 6. talk!-round 7. due to 8. give in 9. in silence 10. go abroad

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. I just received a email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relationship with her

beloved boyfriend.

2. She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserable incident remained for

the rest of her life.

3. Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder if I should give in or

try to talk them round.

4. Edgar was not good with words, so whenever Jessica vented her anger on him, he only endured

it in silence.

5. The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for he!ˉs just got engaged to his

beloved girlfriend.

6. From time to time the system would utter a piercing noise indicating its inability to run properly.

Unit 6

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. rejected 2. properly 3. judgment 4. employer 5. lack 6. feedback 7. qualified

8. suitable 9. candidate 10. confident 11. potential 12. punctual

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. cope with 2. miss out 3. applied for 4. keep!-in mind 5. for a bit 6. reflecting on

7. fill out 8. get back 9. a variety of 10. To our amazement

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected.

2. You should learn to cope with difficult situation. And even more important, don!ˉt look to others

for help.

3. To my shock/amazement, he was not only involved in a variety of extracurricular activities but

also had applied for a part-time job.

4. Keep in mind that one more failure is one step closer to success.

5. Don!ˉt dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this job doesn!ˉt entirely sui

you and your chances are slim.

6. Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whatever you do, don!ˉt burn your bridges.

Unit 7

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. tuition 2. anxiety 3. horrors 4. switched 5. quarter 6. steady 7. roughly

8. prospects 9. disorder 10. represent 11. apparent 12. population

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. were booked up 2. not getting anywhere 3. ups and downs 4. burst out 5. get along with

6. broke up with 7. in advance 8. had no choice 9. In spite of 10. take your own life

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg. Most

students endure the stress in silence.

2. The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleeping disorder,

even insomnia.

3. Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two

part-time jobs to pay her tuition.

4. In spite of the result of the aptitude test, John decided to switch his major from accounting to


5. He would rather remain a sales clerk, apparently because he prefers a steady life to a life full of

ups and downs.

6. The computer has broken down on more than one occasion. Isn!ˉt that enough for professional


Unit 8

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. chemical 2. soil 3. disturb 4. mixture 5. substance 6. ruin 7. consumers 8. stable

9. pollution 10. supplies 11. decay 12. main

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. leaked out 2. due to 3. are known as 4. depend on 5. giving off 6. make up

7. live on 8. have used up

10. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. With the construction of the nuclear power plant, this city now doesn!ˉt have to worry about its

own electricity supply. Instead, it can supply electricity to other cities nearby.

2. These vegetables do not decay when kept at a relatively stable low temperature.

3. This city is known as the financial center of the country. The development of its economy

depends heavily on banking and foreign trade.

4. This plant only lives on the top of certain high mountains and gives off a very sweet smell in


5. The main cause of this area!ˉs water pollution i the chemical substance that leaks out of a paper

mill by the river bank.

6. This kind of litter is made up of a mixture of chemical waste. It has poisoned the soil, ruining it


以上就是前景實用英語綜合教程3的全部內容,跪求新編實用英語綜合教程2(第二版)unit1~8課后的習題答案 362393066@qq.com 2011-7-3 10:37 提問者:Saint_Elf | 瀏覽次數:1699次 其他回答 共1條 2011-7-3 11:07 sgxoxo | 三級 只有一點,我書上是全的。


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