

  • 英語作文
  • 2024-03-26

英語重陽節作文?in the Tang Dynasty, and a lot of poems were devoted to this custom.在九月登高既是件愜意放松的事,又是件可以欣賞到自然之美的幸事。重陽節登高,在唐代就開始盛行了,古時也有很多跟重陽登高有關的詩歌。那么,英語重陽節作文?一起來了解一下吧。


重陽節是我國傳統節日,要記得替家里的老人祈福哦!你們知道有哪些2022重陽節英語 作文 嗎?下面是我為大家收集關于2022重陽節英語作文8篇【實用】,歡迎借鑒參考。


"Life is easy to the old, the year of the sun, now the heavy sun. The field is fragrant with yellow flowers.

To the heavy sun, I have not been completely old, but old age is a feast to come. What a wonderful thing it was to walk through this colorful world!

Shi tiesheng felt his life in the afterglow of the earth altar. However hard it was, it was beautiful. Why can't you be kind to yourself, others, and have a good heart to read the gift of god?

After experiencing the extreme despair of my heart, I knew that I was narrow, childish and ridiculous, but it was also my wealth, and it taught me at least how to stick to it.

Life is easy for me to cherish, to cherish not to waste, not to be tired of now, but to the release of the heart, if not free, where to have their own world. In this increasingly complex theatre, always look for the right place. And when the sky is not old, we should set ourselves free, like a bird, and fly through the wind and rain, like grass in the boundless sea of grass.


The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival,or Double Ninth Festival.It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar.In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing,or The Book of Changes,number 6 was thought to be of Yin character,meaning feminine or negative,while number 9 was thought to be Yang,meaning masculine or positive.So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival,or Chongyang Festival.Chong in Chinese means double.Also,as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify forever,both are Jiu Jiu,the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration.That's why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.

The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago.Therefore,the Double Ninth Festival is also called Height Ascending Festival.The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower.Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity.Even today,people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on this day.


Nine nine Chongyang, as with the "long" is a homonym, in the nine figures is the largest number, the meaning of life for a long time. In 1989, our country the annual September 9 set as a festival for the elderly, cleverly combining traditional and modern, become respect for the elderly, and love for the elderly, help the elderly Festival.

This year the festival is coming. For you, Chung Yeung Festival plan how had it? If you are a young person and Chung Yeung Festival this day you may gave the mom and dad a gift, or to travel, relax mood; or make a phone call to the home, let the warm greetings, a heart warming gift. If you are an old man, you may have been a group of sympathy, or be invited to participate in activities. Then Festival ended, but we do not like meishiren as the how how lead, must continue to show respect for the elderly, care for the elderly, care for the elderly.

Countries of the provisions of the Chung Yeung Festival this day is a festival for the elderly, the purpose of which is to use this to carry out activities to allow people to set up the consciousness of respecting. The country has established a general acceptance of the festival, the important purpose is to remind the whole society for a certain thing, and not the only thing to do is to do.

Any activity that wants to be able to get the effect to be able to maintain a long enough time to show its significance.

In fact, the elderly are very simple, the park for a walk with the company, the weekend to go home for dinner, the phone call, can make them feel very satisfied and happy.

Parents should not only on this day, but also to remind himself, usually elderly care enough. It is a year the Double Ninth Festival, from now let us more to care for the elderly, it is meaningful to the festival.


the double ninth festival the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

the "chong yang festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the double ninth festival.

origins: the festival began as early as the warring states period (475 - 221 bc). according to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. the number nine is regarded as yang. the ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "chong yang festival". (chong means "repeat" in chinese.) the ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. it is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. the double ninth festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

climbing mountains: on the double ninth festival, people customarily climb ountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. the double ninth festival is also the "old men festival".

old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.


The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival,or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar.In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number "6"was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative , while number"9" was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine inboth month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival.Chong in Chinese means "double." Also, as double ninth was pronounced the sameas the word to signify "forever", both are "Jiu Jiu," the Chinese ancestorsconsidered it an auspicious day worth celebration. That s why ancient Chinesebegan to celebrate this festival long time ago.

The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down fromlong time ago. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called "HeightAscending Festival". The height people will reach is usually a mountain or atower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity.Even today, people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on thisday.


Chongyang,the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly,is coming around.We areplanning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the speacial day,and wewould like to invite students from your school to join us.We have plannedseveral activities,When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms ingroups,prensenting them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect andlove.Then we will do somecleaning and washing for them with the help of thenurses.

As some old people feel lonely,We may chat with them about their olddays.changes of our city,or anything they are interested in.We may also givethem someperformanees,singing ,dancing and so on.

I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the olderly inChina.If you haveany suggestions, please let us know.

Looking forward to your early reply.


To err is human and to forgive divine, according to the old adage, buthumans who forgive are known to experience significant physical and mentalhealth benefits from doing so.

Now researchers report that these beneficial health effects appear to varyby age, along with the willingness to forgive others, the willingness to forgiveoneself. "Taken together, our findings emphasize that forgiveness is amultidimensional phenomenon," write study lead author Dr. Loren L. Toussaint ofthe University of Michigan and colleagues. "There are age differences in someforms of forgiveness and in their relationship to health."

Their conclusions are based on survey responses from more than 1,400 adultsduring a 5-month study period.

In general, young adults (18-44 years) reported that they were less likelyto forgiveothers than middle-aged (45-64) and older adults (65 and older).

Among survey participants of all ages, however, reports of forgiveness ofthemselves and others were associated with decreased psychological distress,including feelings of restlessness, hopelessness and nervousness.

Further, young adults who reported high levels of self-forgiveness weremore likely to be satisfied with their lives, whereas middle age and olderadults who reported high levels of forgiveness of others were more likely toreport increased lifesatisfaction.

In other findings, attendance at religious services was associated withdecreased psychological distress, particularly among young and middle-agedadults, and increased life satisfaction among young and old adults. Serviceattendance was also associated with higher self-rated health among all agegroups.


September 9, the double ninth festival. Compound of the double ninthfestival is a traditional, like to eat dinner together. Several appointment, thefeeding end to a table. Darkness fell, lights, people drinking the chrysanthemumwine and spirit erguotou, eating a big meal, chat with friends exchangeemotions. Smiling face, waves of laughter rushed out of the narrow room, we wisheach other a long and healthy life, everything is peaceful, painting everywherepermeated with and peaceful atmosphere.

Reveals in chongyang day, people have to respect, and the youngergeneration will give elderly old man a little more considerate. Besides designedto do some delicious food, breaking up the other relatives must condolences tothe elders, the married early in the morning to see my parents back, daughter ofthe to repay her support. Conditional family, accompany with the old man look atthe noisy son around.

The double ninth festival, Beijing as the cool autumn wind, clear skyseason. To open a kite, not only easy, is popular is a recreational activity. Inthe qing dynasty when they release of extremely lively, bazaar shop sell allkinds of kite, flower market sell kite full-lined series are superior inquality.

Now, used to live in painting already change, once the double ninthfestival "and see cakes everywhere busy" scene has also see. But when festivalday, I again remind of old neighbor eating cakes in the courtyard, the warmth ofdrinking green tea chat talking and laughing, childhood laughter togetherfriend. Imperceptible of thought of MAO ze dong's poetry: life easy to heavenold hard, but each chongyang, this also chongyang, field chrysanthemum is sweet.Annual autumn wind strength, not like spring, spring scenes, boundless jiangwanli frost.










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The Double Ninth Festival the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.

Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period 475 - 221 BC. According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "Chong Yang Festival". Chong means "repeat" in Chinese. The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

Climbing mountains: On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb ountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The Double Ninth Festival is also the "Old Men Festival".

Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.


Family get-togethers: The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one's ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organized during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm their love and concern for family members and close friends.


The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number "6" was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative, while number "9" was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival. Chong in Chinese means "double." Also, as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify"forever", both are "Jiu Jiu," the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. That s why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.

The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called "Height Ascending Festival". The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity. Even today, people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on this day.

重陽節英語作文:Climbing mountains

the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

The "Chong Yang Festival" is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.

Climbing mountains: On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The Double Ninth Festival is also the "Old Men Festival". Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.

Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period 475 - 221 BC. According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "Chong Yang Festival". Chong means "repeat" in Chinese. The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

Family get-togethers: The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one's ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organised during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm their love and concern for family members and close friends.


We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenitng them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses.

As some old people feel lonely. We may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city, or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performanees: singing,daneing,and so on.

I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions,please let us know.



The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.



In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.



So far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly, enjoying the feast high on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and being grateful to the elderly.



1、Climbing Mountains登高

The 9th lunar month, with clear autumn sky and bracing air, is a good time for sightseeing. So people, both ancient and present, love to go sightseeing this month.


2、Apart from expelling bad luck and disasters, climbing mounting also indicates “climbing to a higher position”, and it is also an important reason why ancient people pay much attention about this custom. Another reason that climbing mountains are valued by people, especially by the elderly is that is has a meaning of “climb to a longevous life”. Also for this reason people believe that climbing mountains can make people live a more longevous life.



【 #英語資源#導語】在平時的學習、工作或生活中,大家對作文都不陌生吧,作文是人們把記憶中所存儲的有關知識、經驗和思想用書面形式表達出來的記敘方式。還是對作文一籌莫展嗎?以下是為大家精心整理的內容,歡迎大家閱讀。


On October 1, 1949, new China was founded. This year, our motherland's mother celebrated her 65th birthday. While we celebrate the national day, the Double Ninth Festival for the elderly also comes one after another. Let's pay more attention to and respect the old people around us and spend a happy festival with them.

There are some customs on the Double Ninth Festival that we must not know. Such as drinking chrysanthemum wine, climbing high, inserting dogwood... And so on. And I want to do more for grandma.

Early in the morning, I got up. Grandma is used to getting up early and waiting for me outside. The first task - sweeping the floor. I began to work. Like my grandmother, I didn't miss any corner of the house. After sweeping for a long time, I finally swept as clean as grandma's, but only one room was swept, and I was very tired. There are still many rooms left! Grandma saw that I was tired and came to help. After a while, they all cleaned up. I looked at the taskbar and mopped the floor, cleaned the table and hung the clothes... I was silly, but after working hard all morning, I finally cleaned the house with my grandmother.

Through this Double Ninth Festival, I finally understand that grandma's life is not easy. Students, when the national day meets the Double Ninth Festival, do you care about the old people around you?


The ninth day of the ninth lunar month every year is the Double Ninth Festival. On this day, people climb mountains and insert dogwood to miss their loved ones far away.

There is another legend about the Double Ninth Festival: there was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. Once, he went far alone. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, he thought: now my brother must be inserting dogwood. When they saw that I was missing, they should be very sad. Therefore, the poet wrote the poem "remembering Shandong brothers on September 9". The poem is: to be a stranger in a foreign land alone, and to think twice about relatives every festival. I know that when my brother ascends, he inserts Cornus everywhere, and there is one less person. This writer is Wang Wei, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty.


The Double Ninth Festival is coming soon. The Double Ninth Festival is also the old people's day. In order to thank my grandparents for their care and care over the years, I decided to personally prepare a gift for them, that is, delicious and healthy mango thousand layers. I went through a lot of hardships, cruised in the major "food workshops" on the Internet, and finally found the practice of mango thousand layers.

Prepare ingredients and tools before making lasagna. First of all, I begged my mother to take me to the farmers' market to buy flour, eggs, butter, lard, sugar, and my favorite essential big mango. Then, led by my father, I searched around the home appliance mall and finally found the required baking paper, pan and electric mixer. Everything is ready. I only owe Dongfeng. Just find the gas stove in the back. My grandmother's kitchen is clean and spacious. It suits me. I can't wait to run to my grandmother's house with all the ingredients and tools.

I first found a large basin in the kitchen, put the flour and eggs together in the ratio of 3:1 according to the recipe, add some cold boiled water, pick up the automatic mixer, put the mixing head into the basin, press the switch, and I saw the mixing head rotate at high speed, splashing a string of egg flowers. In order to prevent the egg flower from splashing out and not waste food, I thought of an idea of having the best of both worlds. I picked up a clean large plastic bag, dug a hole at the bottom, covered the food basin, and then put the mixing head into the hole. In this way, the problem was perfectly solved. My parents praised my head for its brilliance. After a while, all the ingredients in the basin turned into a batter with uniform color and overflowing aroma.

Then, it's time to fry the dough. First put the pan on the gas stove, heat it on fire, pick a little lard with chopsticks and wipe it evenly on the bottom of the pan. When the lard is completely melted into a transparent liquid, immediately scoop a spoonful of the batter made before, pour it into the pan, and then shake the pan quickly and stably to make every corner of the pan evenly covered with batter. Fry slowly over low heat for 1-3 minutes, turn over and fry for another 2 minutes until the batter is slightly brown on both sides. In this way, I worked hard to make 10 facial skins, which showed perfect performance.

Next, we are going to make mango stuffing. With a sharp fruit knife, I asked my father to help me cut the mango in half from the middle of the bottom, and then I used my milk strength to tear out the core, and then divided the mango meat into small squares horizontally and vertically, cut it horizontally along the outer skin, and the small squares of mangoes came out. Then mix the cream and mango together, and the mango filling is finished.

Finally, it's assembly. I'm best at this. Spread a layer of dough, then sprinkle a layer of mango stuffing, and stack it layer by layer in this order, about 10 layers. As long as it doesn't fall, the mango thousand layers will be completed.

I found a tray, put the prepared mango thousand layers on it and sent it to my grandparents. My grandparents were very happy. They tasted a few praises. It tasted good, cool and not greasy, but most of it was divided up by my sister and me. Ha ha.

Respecting elders is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In the future, I must be more filial to my elders and be a virtuous youth worthy of the name!

以上就是英語重陽節作文的全部內容,重陽節英語小短文如下:The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.重陽節,為每年的農歷九月初九日。


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