野性的呼喚中英文對照?我認為適合所有人看。如果你看的是中文版,就不用多說了。建議你看過“床頭燈”系列的中英文對照簡寫版,由美國作家改編,語句地道、流暢,朗朗上口,非常適合你看!而且不會有閱讀障礙。特別是對“巴克”的很多擬人化的描寫,會讓你驚嘆不已!看吧!相信你會愛不釋手的!! 另外,那么,野性的呼喚中英文對照?一起來了解一下吧。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events leads to his serving as a sled dog in the Yukon during the 19th-century Klondike Gold Rush, in which sled dogs were bought at generous prices.
Published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is London's most-read book, and it is generally considered his best, the masterpiece of his so-called "early period". Because the protagonist is a dog, it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains numerous scenes of cruelty and violence.
London followed the book in 1906 with White Fang, a companion novel with many similar plot elements and themes as Call of the Wild, although following a mirror image plot in which a wild wolf becomes civilized by a mining expert from San Francisco named Weedon Scott.
The Yeehat, a group of Alaska Natives portrayed in the novel, are a fiction of London's
【所屬分類】:圖書>小說> 外國小說 >歐洲> 其它國家
【總 頁 數】:314頁
【I S B N】:9787020069651
【出版社】: 人民文學出版社
【出版日期】:2009年4月北京第1版 2009年4月第1次印刷
The call of the wild, also known as the call of the wild, is a novella created by American writer Jack London.
The work tells that Buck was originally a dog of judge Miller's family. After civilization, he has been living in a warm valley in Southern California. Later, he was sold to Alaska, which is cold and remote in the north of the United States and rich in gold. He became a sled dog.
The work shows that dogs in the civilized world return to barbarism under the pressure of their owners through the experience of a dog. It writes about dogs and reflects the human world.
The novel continues the theme of "survival" in Jack London's Novels: life always obtains meaning and power in the process of constantly struggling for survival.
《野性的呼喚》,又名《荒野的呼喚》(The Call of the Wild),是美國作家杰克·倫敦創作的中篇小說。
這本書太好了!!我認為適合所有人看。如果你看的是中文版,就不用多說了。建議你看過“床頭燈”系列的中英文對照簡寫版,由美國作家改編,語句地道、流暢,朗朗上口,非常適合你看!而且不會有閱讀障礙。特別是對“巴克”的很多擬人化的描寫,會讓你驚嘆不已!看吧!相信你會愛不釋手的!! 另外,網上還有根據同名小說改編的電影,也很不錯。
《The Call of the Wild》 tells the story of a dog named Buck.He is stolen from his home in the Santa Clara Valley of California,and taken to the Alaskan gold fields to be a sled dog.This story tells the life of Buck as he is passed from owner to owner.He eventually finds a kind master,John Thornton.
“野性的召喚”講述了一只名叫巴克的狗的故事,他從加利福尼亞州圣克拉拉山谷的家中被偷走,被帶到阿拉斯加的金色田地當雪橇犬。這個故事講述了巴克的生活, 是從老板傳給老板,他最終找到了一個善良的大師約翰·桑頓。
Barker, who had been living in a greenhouse environment since childhood, was trafficked into the wilderness as a sled dog. The brutal reality touched Buck's instinct and consciousness of returning to nature because of the long-term influence of human civilization. Poor living environment exercise Buck, he continued to grow in the experience. Eventually won the top spot in the sled dogs group by defeating the dog king Spitz. When the brutal Hall slaughtered Barre's body and dying, John Thornton's rescue gave Barker a warm feeling and decided to vow to die and loyal to his benefactor, but the bereavement of the Lord completely shattered Buck's nostalgia for human society, Thus prompting Buck strong determination, resolutely to the wilderness, return to nature.
以上就是野性的呼喚中英文對照的全部內容,1、《湯姆索亞歷險記》挺簡單,也挺有趣。2、《Howl's moving castle》~~就是哈爾的移動城堡,也是英國人寫的童話,論幽默或懸念,和harry potter不相上下呢,而且環境描寫還比harry potter簡單~~還有the heart is a lonely hunter,句子結構簡單,流暢優美~~~3、《芒果小屋》還是中英文對照。4、內容來源于互聯網,信息真偽需自行辨別。如有侵權請聯系刪除。