首先only time并不是一個修飾成分,它在這句話里面是做主語的。
the only time I have been a victim was not in China.
它的主干應該是the only time was not in China
主語是the only time;謂語是be動詞過去式was;然后否定詞not;賓語是介詞短語in China
需要關注的是—— I have been a victim這個成分,它是一個完整的句子,它置于主語之后,那有沒有可能是主語從句呢?但是它不能用它來修飾time,并且從本句結構判斷,也不屬于主語從句。仔細觀察一下會發現它跟主干不能修飾主干的各個成分,并且與句子各個成分沒有語法上的關系,其實這是一個插入語,而且它屬于插入語中的短句插入。(可以查一下關于插入語的知識)
所以這句話的理解就變得簡單了,主干部分the only time was not in China的意思就是“唯一一次不是在中國”,然后插入語I have been a victim的意思是“我受騙了”加起來整理一下意思就是“這還是我唯一一次在不是中國地方受騙呢”。言下之意就是這個說話者在中國被騙了很多次。
I will make you fall in love with me more than once。
不止一次more than once;many a time; many times;not just once
愛上lose one's heart to;fall in love with;be sweet on;
made a wrong turn once or twice或許有過一兩次的誤入歧途dug my way out blind and fine 探掘自己的出路 卻由烈獄炙焰鑄就bad decisions thats all right做出了錯誤決定 也沒關系welcome to my silly life歡迎來參觀我愚蠢的生活miss tradings please understood被不公正對待 被誤解“miss” no way is so good“沒出息小姐” 這稱號與我太合適了yet didnt sold me down也不會使我放慢腳步miss taking always second guessing 被誤解 永遠被后見之明影響 還被低估underestimating look im still around睜眼看看吧 我一直在你身旁pretty pretty pleaseOh 姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣dont u ever ever feel請你別想 你永遠別想like u less than ****ing perfect不要覺得 你是那該死的完美當中的瑕疵品pretty pretty please姑娘 美麗的姑娘求求你if u ever ever feel要是你曾經一直覺得認為自己一無事處ike u loving u ****ing perfect to me我愛你,在我眼里的你 是TM的最完美的is so mean when u told你是那么的自私about u sounds u r around你竟然會說 自己的出現本來就是一個錯誤change the voices in ur head改掉你腦中混亂的想法吧make them like u instead讓那些念頭被心計替換掉so complicatedlook how be a making 那樣的糾結 表面笑顏以對 你能做到的feels so much hatred心中卻充滿怨恨such a tired game一場心力憔悴的游戲if its enough ive done all i can think of我受夠了 我已經做了力所能及的事了chasedown all my demons see u do the same抓到我所有的夢魘 我曾見過你做同樣的事pretty pretty please Oh 姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣dont u ever ever feel 請你別想 你永遠別想like u less than ****ing perfect不要覺得 你是那該死的完美當中的瑕疵品pretty pretty please姑娘 美麗的姑娘求求你if u ever ever feel要是你曾經一直覺得認為自己一無事處like u loving u ****ing perfect to me至少我眼里的你 是TM的最完美的whole world scare so i swallow all the fear(全世界都在害怕 那么我就吞咽下恐懼)the only thing i should be drink is ice cold bear(我唯一能吞咽的 就是一杯杯冰冷的啤酒)so coolin line and we try try try(那么重返前線 鎮定心神 再次努力嘗試奮斗)both we try too hard so waste my time(但我們那么拼命的努力 終究只是付諸東流)dont looking for the critics just everywhwere (勿需找尋批評謾罵 因為它他隨處可見)they dont like my dreams(別人不喜歡我的牛仔褲 )they dont get my hair(因為他們羨慕我的長發)exchange ourselves we do all everytime(與自己交流 一直以來我們都這么做)why do we do that why do i do that(為什么我們這么做 為什么我要那么做)why do i do that(為什么我要那么做)pretty pretty please姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣dont u ever ever feel 請你別想 你永遠別想like u less than ****ing perfect不要覺得 你是那該死的完美當中的瑕疵品pretty pretty please姑娘 美麗的姑娘求求你if u ever ever feel要是你曾經一直覺得認為自己一無事處like u loving u ****ing perfect to me至少我眼里的你 是TM的最完美的u r perfect 你是完美的 u r perfect to me你對于我是絕對完美的pretty pretty please姑娘 美麗的姑娘別這樣if u ever ever feel請你別想 你永遠別想like u loving u ****ing perfect to me至少我眼里的你 是TM的最完美的 希望對您有幫助~ 參考資料:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM4NTE0NDg4.html
我會讓你不止一次愛上我 這句話用英語可以這么說I will make you fall in love with me more than once
Made a wrong turn once or twice
Dug my way out, blood and fire
Bad decisions, that's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me
You're so mean when you talk
About yourself. You were wrong
Change the voices in your head
Make them like you instead
So complicated
Look happy, You'll make it
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It's enough, I've done all I could think of
Chased down all my demons
I've seen you do the same
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me
whole The world's scared, so I swallow the fear
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in line and we try try try but we try too hard
And it's a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics, cause they're everywhere
They don't like my jeans, they don't get my hair
Exchange ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that, why do I do that (why do I do that)
I'm Pretty, pretty, pretty
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me
(You're perfect, you're perfect)
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you are fucking perfect to me
以上就是不止一次英文的全部內容,我會讓你不止一次愛上我翻譯成英語是 I will make you fall in love with me more than once,希望可以幫助到你,謝謝。內容來源于互聯網,信息真偽需自行辨別。如有侵權請聯系刪除。