三國演義英文翻譯?外文版本的三國演義翻譯是:Romance of the Three Kingdoms 或 Three Kindoms 當年翻譯三國成英文的老外,譯的是“The Three Kindoms". 可惜的是有人覺得不夠貼切。那么,三國演義英文翻譯?一起來了解一下吧。
Romance of The Three Kingdoms (full name: Popular Romance of The Three Kingdoms, also known as Romance of The Three Kingdoms).
Luo Guanzhong, a novelist in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, annotated The Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou and Pei Songzhi.
And folk tales of The Three Kingdoms through artistic processing and creation of the long chapter hui historical novels.
With "Journey to the West" "Outlaws of the Marsh" "Dream of the Red Chamber" and known as the Four classical Chinese classics.
《三國演義》,全名《三國志通俗演義》,作者羅貫中。英文名:The Legend of Three Kingdoms(翻譯為:三個國度的傳奇故事),為中國四大名著之一,是歷史演義的經典之作。
書名: 三國演義
又名: The Romance of Three Kingdoms,三國志通俗演義,三國志演義
作者: (明)羅貫中 原著,(清)毛綸/毛宗崗 評注
類別: 歷史,
出版時間: 版本流變繁冗,主要以明嘉靖壬午本(“羅本”)、清康熙毛宗崗本(“毛本”)為主
章節: 120回
成書時間: 元末明初
文學地位: 中國第一部長篇章回體歷史
世界影響: 被亞、歐、美諸國譯成60多種文字
齊名書籍: 西游記、紅樓夢、水滸傳
分類:教育/科學 >> 外語學習
《三國演義》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》
《水滸傳》----《The Story by the Water Margin》
《紅樓夢》----《Dream of the Red Chamber 》
《西游記》----《Journey to the West》
RomanceOfTheThree Kimdom
紅樓夢 A Dream in Red Mansions
西游記 Journey to the West
水滸傳 Water Margins
三國演義:Romance of the Three Kingdoms
讀音:[ro'm?ns ?v; ?v e?; ei θri ?ki?d?mz]
2、The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu.
以上就是三國演義英文翻譯的全部內容,With "Journey to the West" "Outlaws of the Marsh" "Dream of the Red Chamber" and known as the Four classical Chinese classics.譯文:《三國演義》(全名為《三國志通俗演義》,又稱《三國志演義》)。