就一次英文?在英文的次數中,只有一次,二次是特別的(一次once,二次twice)其它都是在教詞之后加times(次數)三次 three times 四次 four times 以此推類!我打字太慢,就不寫了!希望對你有幫助,如滿意請采納,那么,就一次英文?一起來了解一下吧。
as soon as,
the moment,
the minute,
the second,
the instant
I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back.
I will tell him the news immediately he comes back.
I will tell him the news the moment he comes back.
I will tell him the news the minute he comes back.
I will tell him the news the second he comes back.
I will tell him the news the instant he comes back.
I am sorry,it's totally my fault.Forgive me ok?I swear it will be the last time!
我建議這樣說:The chance comes only once. If you miss it, it is missed forever.機會只來一次。如果你錯過了,就是永遠錯過了。
sorry,I am wrong.could you fergive me ?? Lt is the last time .
You only have one chance, if you miss it, it's over.
以上就是就一次英文的全部內容,one night stand 一、含義:n. 一夜情。二、用法:中性詞時,客觀字面的表示僅此一次、僅此一場或奮力一博等;貶義詞時,指代一夜情、一夜風流、露水之歡或露水情緣等。側重表維系關系或維持動作的時間短,就一次。