A:Hi, B! How was your week? I'm so glad it's finally the weekend. I'm bored. Do you want to do something tonight?嗨,B!你這一周過得怎么樣?終于到周末啦,我好開心。我有點無聊,你今晚想做點什么嗎?B:Sure. What do you feel like doing?當然啦。你想做什么呢?A:Well, the film festival is in town. And I'm in the mood for seeing a movie. How does that sound?嗯,電影節正在咱們這兒舉辦呢。我挺想看電影的,你覺得咋樣?B:That sounds great. What's playing?聽起來不錯。有什么電影在映呀?A:‘Attack from Planet Q’ is playing at the Odeon Theatre. It’s a sci-fi about aliens who invade China. It takes place along the Great Wall during the Ming Dynasty.《Q星球來襲》在奧登劇院上映。這是一部關于外星人入侵中國的科幻片。故事發生在明朝時期的長城沿線。B:What do the critics say about it?影評人對這部電影評價如何?A:The critics say it’s frightening and entertaining. It won ‘Best Film’ at the Cannes Film Festival.影評人說它既驚悚又有趣。它還在戛納電影節上獲得了“最佳影片”獎呢。B:OK. Let’s see that. What time does it start?好呀,那咱們就看這部。幾點開始呢?A:There are several showtimes. The earliest one is at 7:00 pm, and then there's an 8:30 pm showing.有好幾個場次呢。最早的一場是晚上7點,然后8點半還有一場。B:Why don’t we catch the 8:30 so that we can have a bite to eat before we go?我們看8點半那場吧,這樣去之前還能吃點東西。A:Sounds good. Where do you want to eat? There are a lot of restaurants near the theater.聽起來不錯。你想去哪兒吃呀?劇院附近有好多餐館呢。B:I'm in the mood for some Italian food. How about that Italian pizza place we passed last time?我想吃意大利菜。咱們上次路過的那家意大利披薩店怎么樣?A:Sure, I love their pizza. We can also try their pasta. I heard it's really delicious.行呀,我超愛他們家的披薩。咱們還可以嘗嘗他們家的意大利面。我聽說特別好吃。B:Great. And we can have some gelato for dessert.太棒啦。咱們還可以吃點意大利冰淇淋當甜點。A:Perfect. Let's meet at the pizza place at 7:30 then. That should give us enough time to eat and then walk to the theater for the movie.完美。那咱們7點半在披薩店碰面吧。這樣我們有足夠的時間吃完東西,然后走去劇院看電影。B:OK, see you then. I'm really looking forward to tonight.好的,到時候見。我真的很期待今晚呢。A:Me too. It's going to be a great night.我也是