愛是什么用英語怎么說?“愛是什么?” 的英文翻譯 "What is love?"Love is to be deeply loved by the one you love.愛是被你所愛的人深愛著。那么,愛是什么用英語怎么說?一起來了解一下吧。
How do you think about love?
Like is kissingly love, Love is deeply like.
那就是What is love
What's love?Love is the one who always be there with you.
語氣平平,你只是想問問愛是什么,可以表達為:what is love?
有些怨恨或是咒罵的情緒在其中,則可以表達為:what the fuck is love?
what is love?
love is the sunshine in winter
which can give you heat
when you are cold and poor
love is an umbraller
which can pervent you from being wet
when you are in a rain
翻譯:愛是什么 愛是冬日陽光 在你貧困寒冷時 給你溫暖
愛是什么 愛是雨中小傘 保護你 不被淋濕
以上就是愛是什么用英語怎么說的全部內容,愛是什么的英文意思是what is love?回答可以說,愛是充滿了幸福溫暖的東西 Love is something that full with happiness, and warmth.求采納!O(∩_∩)O謝謝!相信我不會錯的!。