蝴蝶結的英文怎么說?蝴蝶結[húdié jié]英語 1.bow 2.butterfiy knot 3.bowknot 4.bow-tie 例句 1.Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow. 再用一段絲帶,系個蝴蝶結。 2.A butterfiy knot symboiizes changes.蝴蝶結代表著變化。3.There is a pretty bowknot on her hat.她金色的頭發向上梳著,那么,蝴蝶結的英文怎么說?一起來了解一下吧。
蝴蝶結[húdié jié]英語
2.butterfiy knot
4.bow-tie例句 1.Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow. 再用一段絲帶,系個蝴蝶結。 2.A butterfiy knot symboiizes changes.蝴蝶結代表著變化。3.There is a pretty bowknot on her hat.她金色的頭發向上梳著,頭上戴著藍色的蝴蝶結。 4.The wreath red bow tie and clear christmas lights in the picture below is part ofthe simplified decoration I made in my front yard.以下照片中的花環,紅色蝴蝶結和圣誕節燈泡,都是我在前院做的簡單裝飾的一部份。
1. The English word for "蝴蝶結" is "bowknot."
2. The phrase "Bowknot bag" refers to a handbag with a bowknot design.
3. "Lovely Bowknot" could describe a particularly attractive or cute bowknot.
4. "Hair bowknot" is a term for a bowknot used to decorate hair.
5. "With Bowknot" indicates an item or outfit that features a bowknot as part of its design.
Original Sentences:
1. Chest bowknot drape design, add how much woman flavour.
2. Because of it; bowknot borns; but it can not compare with the butterfly. Butterfly has more meanings from nature.
Revised Sentences:
1. The chest features a bowknot drape design, adding a significant amount of feminine charm.
2. Due to its presence, the bowknot is created, but it cannot rival the butterfly in beauty. The butterfly holds deeper natural symbolism.
Additional Information:
- The term "bow-tie" refers to a similar decorative knot, often worn around the neck.
- "Tom fool knot" is not a common term and may be a misspelling or misunderstanding of the word "bowknot."
- The sentence about Tom's inheritance and his living in a fool's paradise might be better expressed as: "Tom's uncle left him £10,000, and he is currently living the high life, as if in a fool's paradise."
中國結由于年代久遠,其歷史貫穿于人類史始終,漫長的文化沉淀使得中國結 滲透著中華民族特有的,純粹的文化精髓,富含豐富的文化底蘊。“繩”與“神”諧音,中國文化在形成階段,曾經崇拜過繩子。據文字記載:“女媧引繩在泥中,舉以為人。”又因繩像蟠曲的蛇龍,中國人是龍的傳人,龍神的 形象,在史前時代,是用繩結的變化來體現的。
“結”字也是一個表示力量、和諧, 充滿情感的字眼,無論是結合、結交、結緣、團結、結果,還是結發夫妻,永結同心,“結”給人都是一種團圓、親密、溫馨的美感“結”與“吉 ”諧 音,“吉” 有著豐富多彩的內容,福、祿、壽、喜、財、安、康無一不屬于吉的范疇。“吉” 就是人類永恒的追求主題,“繩結”這種具有生命力的民間技藝也就自然作為中國傳統文化的精髓,興盛長遠規劃,流傳至今。
3.Butterfly knot
1.bowtie macaroni
1.bow tie