馬云英語演講稿?演講稿:I was sitting there listening and I forgot that I'm gonna speek.我坐在這里聽得入迷以至于差點忘記我將要上去演講。I getting so excited when we talk about innovation.每次講到創新的時候,我都很激動。那么,馬云英語演講稿?一起來了解一下吧。
勵志故事演講稿 篇1
Good evening everyone!
Dear chancellor Merkel, deputy prime minister Makai, ladies and gentlemen,it’smy great honor to speak in the CeBIT.
I remember 14 years ago, when I first came to Hannover, I try torent a small booth to sell the chinese products to the west and to the Europe ,That’sbeen a long time to looking for the booth, and at that time Hannover was not thatprosperious,but the fair was very successful.
It's difficult to find the booth , finally, we got a small booth,but very few people found us.
Eight years ago, we came back again, We try to help off the boothto move them online , help them to sell on the alibaba , it didn't work, itgoes that time , people think ,the trade fair and online are conflictto each other
Today I come back again ,The reason that I come back again, is tryingto find the important missing part of the Internet business, Internet in thepast 20 years, was pretty successful, but one thing that is very strange that Ifound that very few Internet companies can survive peacefully and healthilyfor more than 3 years.
That means most of the Internet companies can only have honeydays, honey weeks, they don’t even have honey months,what is the problem? Whereis the missing part? I strongly believe that the missing part is in Europe.Whatis that ?
Whether we like it or not, in the past 20 years, the Internethas larged a hugeimpact to the human lives, everybody believethat Internet has done great things to the work,and also lot of the traditional business hate the Internet, because they destroyed their business.
But what the rest is why Internet companies always worry 、worry?You see whether Google, facebook, amazon, eBay and alibaba, all of us worry everyday .so We think that there must be a problem ,and the problem is that we haveto find a solution, that how we can be a company can live long and healthylike Mercedes-Benze, Siemens.
If any industry can't live more than 3 years, ifall the companies can not live happily for 3years, this industry will never become the mainstream, this industry can neverbecome the deep economy, So, what we want to do is that how we can find thesolution.
The world is changing so fast, most people don't realize what isIT, what is Internet,we’re moving very very fast today to technology.
IT technology and digital technology, is not the technologydifference, is the differences of the way people think, the way people due withthe world .
We don't know the world will look like in 30 years, and we don'tknow what the data will look like , But we are sure that the whole world in next30 years will be changed .
If the first and the second innovation and technology revolutionreleaf all liberatethe human strength, the physical strength, this revolution release a liberate the strength ofhuman brain, the brain in innovation.
The future world, we believe we’ll be connected not by oil, notby other things, but by datas . The future world, the business will be C2B notB2C, C2B is consumer to business not business to consumer . Because we willhave a large amount of data, manufacturer must do customerlized things,otherwise manufacturer will be very difficult
In the future , all the manufacturers, they make machine, themachines can not only produce products, the machine must talk, the machine mustthink ,the machine will not be driven by oil and by electricity, the machine isgoing to supported by datas.
The future world, the business will no longer focus on the size,business will no longer focus on standardization and power, they will focus on theflexibility, nimbleness(agility), personalized and user friendly.
And I also strongly believe the future world, we are going tohave a lot of women leaders ,Because in the future people will not only focuson muscle strength, and they focus on wisdom, they focus on careless andresponsibility.
And I think Internet must find the missing part,This missingpart is how the clickerand motors can work together ,and how we can make sure in the next 30years the mouse and cementcan work together ,find a way to make the Internet economy and the real economyto combine , the Internet company mill survive happily for next 30 years.
If that income ,that is what we called D-economy,is not just thedigital economy, which I called data economy,and everthing is going to bechanged.
And I also believe that the world will become very beautiful,but also very challenging.
Apple may not be the future,but Apple tells us what the futurewill look like ,that is something in the machine is moving, that is data.
We are ata great time of innovation, inspiration, invention and creativity,andI think everyone is working hard, try to realize their dreams. Today you see here ,a real world of workers, truckdrivers and game players,and also all these senior people,everybody in the ancient time, nobody can use technology torealize their dreams ,But today, becauseof datas ,everything becomestrue.
But I strongly believe , it’s not the technology changed theworld, it’s the dreams behind the technology that changed the world. If the technologychanged the world, I'll never be here, I’m not betrained to be a science andtechnology experts, I know nothing about computer, and I know very little aboutthe Internet, But I have a strong dream that we want to help small business.
So,14 years ago so we come here to sell Chinese products toEurope, that didn’t work.14 years later , we try to help the European small businessto China ,to the world by using the Internet,It’s the dreams that drives theworld , it’s not only the technology.
So Ladies and gentlemen, let's work hard together, it is a fantasticworld,it is a world belongs to young people, it is a world belongs to the future.
And thank you very very much for listening!
Small is beautiful for 21st century: Jack Ma
CHIEF executives of the world's biggest companies will meet Apec leaders at Suntec today to begin discussions on ways to rebuild the global economy.
But yesterday, Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma of alibaba.com had a different message for 700 bosses of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) attending the Apec SME Summit at nearby Raffles City: Small is beautiful.
'In the last century, big was better,' said the China-based e-commerce company's founder. 'But in the 21st century, I believe small is beautiful because it is not about how much equipment you have, it is about how quickly you can change yourself to meet the market.'
Giving a rousing keynote address at the event - regarded as a sideshow to today's Apec CEO Summit - Mr Ma took a poke at larger corporates that suffered beatings during the financial crisis.
Speaking to a packed ballroom, he said the crisis had been disastrous for many big names in the West. 'All the big companies which we all wanted to be like - today, they have all died. But we SMEs - yes we felt the pain - but we are happier now because we survived.'
Mr Ma, who trained as a high school teacher in Hangzhou, founded the Alibaba Group in 1999 after successfully starting China Pages, widely believed to be the mainland's first dot.com, in 1995.
A popular speaker at global business conferences, he also gave his take on government bailouts offered to larger companies and financial institutions.
'We have heard so many stories about big companies in trouble... They are the troublemakers, we should not give them so much support, let them die, it is time for them to die,' he said, to loud applause.
Mr Ma added that if governments want strong economies, they should turn their attention to SMEs and give incentives to individuals starting their own businesses.His reason: SME owners may start small, but they dream big: 'We believe we are tomorrow's Google, we believe we are tomorrow's eBay, we believe we are tomorrow's UPS.'
Singapore's Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan also called for Apec economies to focus their efforts on helping smaller companies.
'While we might have moved out of the worst of the financial crisis, the foundation of recovery is still fragile and can be weakened if we allow protectionism to creep in,' said Mr Lee.
At a separate event yesterday, Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kiang noted that the Apec CEO Summit's theme of Rebuilding the Global Economy: Crisis and Opportunity was a timely one.
Speaking at the welcome reception for delegates, he said: 'It is also apt that at this critical juncture of the world economy, this year's CEO Summit has a record turnout of Apec leaders since the inception of the CEO Summit in 1996.'
The minister said that as Apec celebrates its 20th birthdaythis year, it is a good opportunity for Apec and the private sector to consider how it can develop and implement initiatives to meet future needs.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Chinese President Hu Jintao will be among the speakers at the Apec CEO Summit today.