in: 在某個空間內,如城市、國家等(I live in Beijing.)
on: 在某個平面上,如桌子、地面等(The book is on the table.)
at: 在某個具體地點或時間點(She arrived at the airport at 8 am.)
to: 朝向某個方向或目的地(We are driving to Shanghai.)
from: 從某個起點出發(He came from New York.)
by: 通過某種方式或手段(They traveled by train.)
with: 和某人一起或使用某種工具(I painted the picture with watercolors.)
under: 在某個物體的下方(The cat is sleeping under the bed.)
over: 在某個物體的上方(There is a bridge over the river.)
through: 穿過某個空間或物體(The car drove through the tunnel.)
across: 橫過某個平面或空間(The runner crossed the finish line.)